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Heterosexual Activity

Heterosexual Activity on Bisexual PlaygroundHeterosexual Activity on Bisexual Playground
I have a flexible type of personality, and Open to almost any heterosexual activity. :-)
I'm intelligent, liberal, witty and energetic. I'm good-looking, in very good shape and love all kinds of sexual activity. I'm primarily heterosexual but like MM activities as well. With men I enjoy masturation, oral sex, some anal play. Not into kissing men.
I am basically heterosexual with an asterisk that reads bisexual by default. It's difficult to find a nice girl but guys are always ready to go. I strongly prefer women but am lonely and yearn for physical contact so I sometimes seek out a man for light sexual activity.
I'm mostly heterosexual but every now and then I like to have a same sex experience. Very discrete and prefer other men, women and couples around my age (40-60) that are similar in their sexuality, mostly heterosexual but playful with same sex.
Sexy , Spontaneous, Fun heterosexual couple. I'm not a lesbian or bisexual. My partner is a straight heterosexual male and we are very open minded to see what this site has to offer. We're trying something new. WOMEN ONLY!!! NO EXCEPTIONS.
Fun loving open minded guy just wondering what other life experiences are out there. Having been born and raised in a small conservative town, anything besides monogamous heterosexual activity has always been considered taboo. The older I get, the more I say, "forget that man". At any rate, I'm not mental or anything. Just curious and looking to sync up with like minded people.
belletrans. I dont think that has much of anything to do with activity on a website. if anything it may increase activity, it sure doesnt effect my behavior or activity but I respect your words
Interesting question. I guess that depends on who you ask or who you think is right. a definition i found may answer this but there will be others that will contradict this discussion. my thoughts hey who cares as long as one is comfortable with what they do. Hugs Brandon the Devil

Homosexuality as one end of a bisexual continuumSome people who are in general heterosexual may have mild or occasional interest in members of their own sex. Conversely, many people who identify themselves as homosexual, or who might prefer homosexual activities or relationships, have engaged in heterosexual activities or even have long-term heterosexual relationships. Such heterosexual behavior by people who otherwise show homosexual behavior has often been part of being "in the closet," or concealing one's homosexual orientation, and may be becoming less common as acceptance of homosexuality increases.

Some studies, notably Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) by Alfred Kinsey, point out that when asked to rate themselves on a continuum from completely heterosexual to completely homosexual, and when the individual's behavior as well as their identity is analyzed, the majority of people appear to be at least somewhat bisexual. During their lives most people have some attraction to both sexes, although usually one sex is preferred. Kinsey and his followers therefore consider only a minority (5-10%) to be fully or exclusively heterosexual or homosexual. Conversely, only an even smaller minority can be considered "fully" bisexual, if that term is defined as having no preference for one sex over another. Some later studies have suggested that Kinsey's studies exaggerate the occurrence of not only bisexuality, but homosexuality as a whole in the population at large, but his idea of a sexuality continuum still enjoys wide acceptance.

Sexual activity with a person of the same sex, in and of itself, does not necessarily demonstrate homosexual orientation, but is considered homosexual behavior. Not all who are attracted to or have sexual relationships with members of the same sex identify themselves as homosexual or even bisexual. Some people frequently have sex with members of the same sex yet still see themselves as heterosexual. It is important therefore to distinguish between homosexual behavior, homosexual attraction, and homosexual identity, which need not coincide. For example, people in prison, the military, or other sex-segregated environments may engage in situational homosexual behavior despite being heterosexual outside these environments. In addition, some people engage in homosexual behaviors for reasons other than desire. One example is male prostitutes (often called hustlers) who earn money by having sex with other men: while some hustlers are homosexual themselves, a significant number are not.
If a person is having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex they are either have a homosexual encounter in the case of men or a lesbian encounter in the case of women. When a man and a woman is having a sexual encounter that is a heterosexual encounter. Bisexuality is an orientation meaning enjoying sexual encounters with both men and women it is not an activity. "J"
Here is what wikipedia (three articles) says on the subject. It seems to me that none of these definitions apply to Ali. Personally I feel that bi-curious just means you are not sure if you are bisexual and while bi-curious people usually (but not always) have little experience the same can be said for people who identify as straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Article 1
Bi-curious has several distinct and sometimes contradictory meanings. It is commonly found in personal ads from those who identify as heterosexual, but are interested in homosexual "experimentation.& ;quot; Such people are commonly suspected—not necessarily correctly—of being homosexuals or bisexuals in denial of their homosexuality. It can also be used to describe someone as being passively bi, bi-permissive, or open to indirect bisexual contact.

Article 2
Bi-curious is a term that is sometimes applied to a person who generally identifies as heterosexual but feels or shows some interest in having sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex. The term is also occasionally applied to a person who generally identifies as homosexual but feels or shows some interest in having heterosexual intercourse.


Like almost all attempts to define sexuality, there is some dispute over when the label of bi-curious is appropriate. However, it is typically accepted that a person can be considered bi-curious if:[1]

1. they are contemplating, intrigued by, or otherwise attracted to the thought of crossing the boundaries of their typical sexual orientation and pursuing a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a member of the same sex (if their sexual orientation is heterosexual) or someone of the opposite sex (if their sexual orientation is homosexual).
2. they are seriously considering identifying as bisexual, but have yet to do so.

Article 3

Bi-curious is a term used to refer to someone who does not identify as bisexual or homosexual but feels or shows some interest in a relationship or sexual activity with someone of the same sex. The term can also apply to a person who generally identifies as homosexual but feels or shows some interest in having a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. The terms homoflexible and heteroflexible are also applied to bicuriosity.

The term bi-curious implies that the individual has had no sexual experience—or very little—of that sort, but may continue to self-identify as bi-curious if they do not feel they have adequately explored these feelings, or if they do not wish to identify as bisexual.

Hug and Kiss Blue/Aqua Flower
Many people are 100% gay or lesbian, and are drawn sexually and emotionally only to partners of the same sex. Others are completely heterosexual, bonding in sexual and intimate relationships only with people of another sex. But what about everybody else? A significant percentage of people do not fit neatly into either of these categories, because they experience sexual and emotional attractions and feelings for people of different genders at some point during their lives. For lack of a better term, they are called bisexuals, although many people prefer to call themselves "pansexual," "non-preferential,&am p;quot; "sexually fluid," "ambisexual,&quot ; or "omni-sexual.&quo t;
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Bisexuality is the potential to feel sexually attracted to and to engage in sensual or sexual relationships with people of either sex. A bisexual person may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and a degree of attraction may vary over time. Self-perception is the key to a bisexual identity. Many people engage in a sexual activity with people of both sexes, yet do not identify as being bisexual. Likewise, other people engage in sexual relations only with people of one sex, or do not engage in sexual activity at all, yet consider themselves bisexual. There is no behavioral "test" to determine whether or not one is bisexual.
I find that for many heterosexual males, the idea of two women having sex with each other is enticing in that the male will usually paint himself in the picture, one way or another, either as an active participant, or as an observer. Therefore the idea is accepted: two girls instead of one! In the case two men having sex, the heterosexual male isn't getting what he wants; thereofore the idea is rejected: no girl!

Indeed we all have to potential for bisexuality. But for some, that potential is never manifested. They are simply straight, or gay, and may remain that way all their life. That's totally OK, we've got to grant them the freedom to be who they are if we want it for ourselves.

That's what I like about bisexual guys: they're just happy to have fun, no matter who takes care of them, guy or girl. They just want sex! Laughing

Think about it! When you want to have sex, do you tell youself, "I want to have heterosexual sex, or homosexual sex, or bisexual sex"? I don't know about you, but I just know I want to get it on! IJust gimme sex!

In the end, isn't what sexuality is all about: having fun with one another, independently of man-made labels? We're not "gay", "straight", or "bi"; we just enjoy sex. all of us -- at least I hope so ;)

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Bisexuality isn't trying to manage a relationship between the opposites or the similars; it is simply flowing between them.


Females Who Use Strap-ons on Males
OH how I would love to try this activity.
Mutual Masturbation
Fave activity of mine
Blowjob Train
This sounds like a fun activity, blowing one cock after another.
Women Watching Husband Get Fucked
Looking for a couple in S. Florida (561) who enjoys this activity.
Bisexual Swing Clubs
We went to Fantasy Paradise about 50 miles north of San Diego and got kicked out for our male bi-sexual activity within a MMF threesome, in a secluded private activity area. We went out of our way to isolate ourselves away from everyone so as not to offend anybody and the rednecks went out of their way to seek us out barging in shining spotlights in our faces while we were having sex. The couple I was with and myself were having our very first bi-male threesome and they were surprized, shocked and emotionally traumatized by the spotlights in their faces while in the act. I was infuriated when the lit us up saying bi-sexuality was not allowed when they gave us no prewarning in their literature marketing materials or on their release rules. Amazing the persecution of bi-males with its double standard in the "open minded" lifestyle. I am apalled and feel a tremendous sense of discriminatory injustice. Maybe we need to march on the White House demanding equal rights for bi-male swingers. What do you think Georgey will do with that one?
Men Sucking Dick With Women Participating
Seeking open minded couples and women for this grand activity!Hug


Thank you for welcome and invitation. My name is Ray and I am enjoying your site. It is a favorite of mine and reaches all my fantasies and desires! I would like to be active in your group. I noticed you both enjoy traveling, great! Rome, a cruise, etc. I enjoy traveling also! Thank you again and please invite me to any and all activity functions! Warm regards, Ray