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Bisexual Personals is an Online Dating Community with Bisexual Personals for Bisexual, Bi-curious, and Open-Minded Individuals. With 1,148,402 members and growing, there's always somebody for you to chat with or hook up with! BP is home to many lesbian, gay, bisexual, bi-curious, transgender, and other open-minded singles and couples.

Bisexual Chat

With chat rooms, personals, forums, instant messaging, photo albums, contests and more, there's always something to do! Meet new people in our bisexual chat rooms. Find local bisexuals to meet, and hook up with. So come on, Join For Free and create a profile to start enjoying the site!

I have just joined your site today and must say it is awesome. I have been a member of other sites but without joining you can not e-mail and that is a bummer. I think you have a winner here and can not wait to surf around some more, get involved and see what happens.

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