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Alaska Lesbian

Alaska Lesbian on Bisexual PlaygroundAlaska Lesbian on Bisexual Playground
5'11 120lbs super skinny. I'm 100% submissive and will let anyone fuck me. My name is Jesse"jessah"Nelson, I'm a cock loving sissy faggot who craves humiliation and abuse. I live in ketchikan Alaska. My phone number is 907 617 9691. My address is 323 upland way ketchikan Alaska 99901. I want to be exposed as the sissy slut I am. Blackmailed, owned. Drag me out of the closet by my pig tails and gangbang me for everyone to see.
I'm a man who has been a Bisexual from the very early child hood. I'm now 74 and still looking for some new excitment. I have been Married twice both times to Bisexials. The first wife and I were married for twenty five years and have 4 children, 2 Boys, and 2 Girls. ( Well what did you expect from a Bi couple,,) she passed away with cancer.. I was wroking in Alaska then.. My other wife and I met in Alaska at a Bi-Sexual dinner party. both of us Biseual, hit it off very well, she was tewenty years younger then I, but we were able to satify each other very well with the help of other men and women there, (all either Gay, Bisexual, or Lisbenon, both married and single were there.) I have been told I am very easy to get to know, and know how to please both sexas in the bedroom., have a even temperment, and seem very relaxed in any company.. I do try to keep that kind of a reputation with others, all the time. very interlectuial, well read and easy being a laybacked person... Please find out more about me, and invite me to one of your get together's, I will attent... was,
i am a 27 male who is looking in alaska
im looking for two girls in alaska
I don't know yet...I have had anal sex from and woman and loved it. I am not sure if I can go the other way yet. My last relatioship was with a lesbian and I would love to have another lesbian or a lesbian couple. I really enjoyed her with her strap-on and she said I was one of the best between her legs. I am trying to discover who I am now and what I want
im a blonde hair blue eye lesbian looking for lesbian girls for lesbian action i am very HORNY and needs some pussy
I live in Texas now (with the rest of my extended family), but for a while I lived in Alaska. They had a joke up there:
Q: What's the fastest way to piss off a Texan?
A: Cut Alaska in half and make Texas the THIRD largest state :-)
Not that I want to try to make your post all about me nor do I want to make light of your respondant's insensitivity, but...for me this has been very enlightening thread. You see for many years, ever since The Phrank (lesbian folk singer, San Francisco) concert at the Vancouver Folk Music festival many years ago I have wanted to be a lesbian. Yes, between songs, Phrank listed the qualities of a good lesbian and, inspired, I stood up and announced...."I'm a lesbian"!!! but ImediateIy, I was told by thousands that I was not and could never be a lesbian because I'm a man. I could never be a lesbian. I could never be a lesbian...until today. (I'm fighting back tears) Oh, and you're way hot darlin.
I think it's time to bring this back up. I have been getting emails from guys again who say they are lesbian. I just ignore them because I figure they are a waste of time. If they lie outright like that, then chances are the rest of their profile is a lie too.

I want to know why do guys do this? What does it take for some of these guys to understand that unless you have a vagina you cannot be a lesbian?

You have to have the right equipment to be a lesbian. The same for a woman claiming to be gay. She has to have the right equipment as well.

What's done in private no one cares (or shouldn't anyway) But don't come on a site like this where members know you are not a lesbian and expect to make an immediate connection. Be open and honest and you will have better luck!!

Crushed I bet max would look real cute.
When are you going to be in ALaska?
we r in alaska where r u:)
My ex-roommate, Marge was a lesbian lawyer and gay rights activist in the Los Angeles Community. She and I shared a home in L.A. and Tacoma, Wa. She had been married and had 2 girls before she realized she was a Lesbian, and most of her lesbian friends were also mothers so they must have had a man in their lives at some point. So the notion of a woman never having sex with a man is very un-probable and is not the case for a large number of women who have been with men or even married. These women are most definitely lesbian and not at all interested in any further sexual dealings with men. There is no explaining the unreasonable if also unyielding prejudice of the woman of whom we speak but it falls under the catagory of ignorance as do all forms of prejudice. It isn't your slaternly behaviour (sic), Vickie, but her own hang-ups which prevented her from seeing the beautiful person you are. Flower


Bisexual Swing Clubs
Any swingers clubs in Alaska?
Lesbian Orgies
Im looking for a lesbian or lesbian couple to come play with my fiance and I. Please let me know if your interested :)
Getting My Cock Sucked
I’m sure I am going to get a shot of cum from North Pole alaska please tell me how to get your cum
im a fishing guide in alaska summers
Lesbian Need To Try Men For 1st Time
I was with a lesbian once. She never really got into it. She was punishing her partner by sleeping with a male. I felt it was an unique moment, but probably wouldnt do it agian, unless the lesbian really got into it. But if you are not attracted to the opposite sex, you aren't probably going to get into it....I was hoping she would, she was fun to be with otherwise,,,,
Being Sucked
Long cock me please sex me please in North Pole alaska


I think your site is perfect the way it is. I have been on many sites looking for other bisexuals like myself, and I have not had to much luck. I was in a lesbian chat room in yahoo chat and I asked what other sites are available for bisexuals like myself and some kind soul told me about this one. I am so happy I found it because I have already found another bisexual in my area. I find that bisexuals are not really welcome in the straight community and they are not really welcome in the gay community either. So with you and Bill having this site, it really helps people like myself. I have to thank you for providing this for myself and any other bisexual out there seeking a mate. Thanks.