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Totally Free Sex Chat and Hook Up No Upgrade at All Sex Book

Bisexual Playground Chat RoomBisexualPlayground has the most warm and welcoming chat rooms for bisexuals and bi-curious people on the internet.  You are bound to make friends, meet other people who share your interests.  Our rooms are fun and easy to use, with emoji support, the ability to share pictures, and instant message other chatters.

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Totally Free Sex Chat and Hook Up No Upgrade at All Sex Book on Bisexual PlaygroundTotally Free Sex Chat and Hook Up No Upgrade at All Sex Book on Bisexual Playground
We are a more seasoned couple very much in love with a great sex life. We are well groomed and disease free and wish to stay that way. We may be a touch older but no way are we old we are very young minded and totally uninhibited, and very open to all experiences life has to offer. We are not difficult to look at, very fit, clean, slim. We are smokers (so shoot us) also 420 friendly, light social drinkers. And totally into a no strings, chat chat, email forever. We are at a cool point of our lives and are out to do and explore whatever the hell we choose and have a great time doing it.
Hey, I'm a clean cut guy just looking for some no strings attached fun. I'm married and wife knows about mydesires and is totally supportive. I'm 5'11, 190 D/D free. I am also very straight acting and I am D/D free. Hope to hear from you. if you would like to chat.
I'm a very reserved and subdued individual. I enjoy the simple things, so if I ask you for something insignificant don't get me something bigger and better, just get me what I asked for because I had my reasons for asking for that and not the bigger better thing. Some people may say that's very selfish or stuck-up but if you automatically upgrade my selections because you are unsatisfied with them, what's to say you don't feel the same about me and won't try to change or upgrade me? I like me and if you can't hang with me, my low-keyness, my shyness, my fear of confrontation, my need to be held, and my sometimes messed up attitude, then I don't want you and you REALLy don't want me.
Am what my family affectionately refers to as an AMAZON HIPPIE...........i am open minded and willing to try new experiences. Have never had sex with a woman but am totally turned on by the idea. I am a people person and love to chat with men or women...........Am also a writer and am currently working on what i hope will be a book someday, about a Phantom Cree Indian Princess............Also write short Stories and some erotica as well
Did you know that the sooner you upgrade to a paid membership, the longer you get to receive the benefits of being a paid member? This is because when you upgrade, you instantly become a paid member, but the expiration date is added on to the end of your existing expiration. You could get 2 months paid membership for the price of one!
i'm thin sexy wont to upgrade our relationship i like woman and looking for some to hook up with me and sumtimes us our relationship is great i jus wont a female to play with and he dont mind he jus wont to jion in every blue moon i love to travel hope you do hit me up all single bisexal women
I agree. The site has to make money to continue. However, when I signed up I got the impression that I could do it all for 30 days. I didn't read the 4 or 5 pages worth of "Terms of Service" (hell, who does??). So when I signed on got the message that I couldn't see pictures anymore I was a little pissed off. I don't think having a pissed off "trial user" is a good way to convert them to a "paying user". Perhaps this might give the WebMasters a clue why they don't have more upgrades. There are plenty of good reasons to upgrade. Such as the upgrade only chat rooms, upgrade only forums and the upgrade only "fine tuned" search parameters (great idea). Why give you something then take it away to get you to upgrade. Personally, I was about to upgrade to the "Lifetime membership" but now I'm not so sure. I ask myself "Do I want to reward this kind of treatment by signing up?" .
[color:Blue][b]bear and baby,
You will receive mail after you expire but will not be able to view it unless you upgrade. You will be able to move around the site but will not be able to see or view anything unless you upgrade to a paid member. anytime you click on something it will take you to the upgrade section of the site. The only features you will be able to access is Profile editor, Photo manager, and the assistance button. Everything else will be disabled for you until you upgrade. You will also receive email notifications to the address you signed up with unless you turn that function of before you expire. You can also view a few other pages but nothing that will allow you to access peoples profiles, your email(sending or receiving), forum, chat or any other functions that require you to be paid or still in trial period. Just minor features that allow you to change some of your site settings. You can however earn free time as a paid member by advertising your affiliate link located on the main page after you log in. All the information you need is located on the main page.

DareUs2DoU2's my 2 cents. Well, maybe

1) People that come in, post all the pics they own, don't even say boo then leave and expect a reaction.

2) People that come into chat, go idle for at least 30 minutes, then come back in and complain they're bored. I mean if you gave the room a chance & talked, you'd have fun.

3) People, who while in chat complain they can't see pics but don't want to upgrade because they want someone to take pity on them to upgrade their membership. Meanwhile they say they're already members elsewhere and let it be known. I can almost hear the violins at this one...OY!
Hi denverbiguy...lets chat on my . I f you see my profile you will lick...I I am absolutly looking to hook up with a totally bi-guy and some of your girls friends. If you like totally tuned bodies on men with 7" of shaved, pink cock and balls then I may be your guy.

Lets give it a try.

Hi denverbiguy...lets chat . I f you see my profile you will lick...I I am absolutly looking to hook up with a totally bi-guy and some of your girls friends. If you like totally tuned bodies on men with 7" of shaved, pink cock and balls then I may be your guy.

Lets give it a try.

aren't we ALL.

totally understand the situation. Everyone wants to hook up on weekends. That's nearly impossible for me. But I have all kinds of hours "free" during week early mornings.
Go figure


Mommy/Boy Role Play
any ladies want to chat with a younger bi guy please feel free to email me, would love to chat
Couples Searching For Bi Males
Totally ready to hook up with a couple
M-M-M Threesomes
I am totally up for it. I have done it twice now and it is awesome the more the merrier. If you are in Houston area lets hook up.
Mommy/Boy Role Play
Hello all, would really love to chat to others who love this sexy type of fun. I am actually experienced in this so called "forbidden" type of fun, but I can say right now that it was the most exciting times of my life, mutual and amazing for BOTH of us, this was not planned or arranged, just the realisation that we were both getting into the idea of our mutual interests in incest fun. SO I would love to chat to any others who are likeminded and very OPENMINDED too , but please, no one-liners, apart from that, then lets hear from you, I am totally discreet and genuine. T
Creampie Eating Couples
Feel free to contact me if you are also like making and/or eating creampies. Would love to chat with ya! Ben
1 Man 2 Women
Morning, from Texas. I'm ever so patiently awaiting the day I can upgrade my account so Jeremy and I can have more options. I'm not feeling all that great. Last Monday I had a cyst rupture on my ovary. Went to the hospital and feel worse than before I walked in.


Hello there I am writing in response to your requests for me to upgrade. For starters, I'd like to say that I love the website. It's well laid out, has lots of members that seem to come from all over the country, and the people I've met here thus far seem really great. I'd like to thank you for the free temporary membership program. It is my intention to ante up for a paid lifetime membership. The price is reasonable, and it seems well worth it to me, as I enjoy the member chat. The member profiles typically give ample information on potential new friends (at least in the case of those that put a little effort into adding a fair amount of information about themselves to their profile). Unfortunately, I became a victim of the corporate hatchet man three weeks ago (downsizing) and have yet to get back in the saddle (though I do have some optimistic prospects pending). My priorities dictate that my mortgage and feeding my family lay claim to my cash reserves right now, but as soon as I get a viable job offer, you can rest assured that I will send in payment for a lifetime membership. For now, I will add my profile page here to my AOL member profile so that others in the AOL community can experience the site as well. I appreciate the opportunity to experience your wonderful website and its member community. Thanks, sherry