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Atlanta Georgia Masturbation Club

Atlanta Georgia Masturbation Club on Bisexual Playground
I came to this site looking for a masturbation club in OC, like there is in the Tampa, FL area, but there does not seem to be one. I am open minded, primarily interested in women, have thought about bisexual play, but never more than that. A Masturbation club for me would involve men and women together. Not necessarily the same ratio, but the BI in Bisexual is important to me.
36 from Atlanta Georgia
i am 22 years old looking for some fun in atlanta Georgia!
Dreads clean freak from Atlanta Georgia
Hi I am Maria. I am a bisexual in Atlanta Georgia looking for some fun times and love women. So if you are interested, here I am.
Well I am a cute 20 year old out of atlanta,georgia who is looking to have fun with the right people. I take pride in myself and my partner and will like to meet someone who feels the same.
Anyone in the Atlanta area interested in a masturbation club?
After hearing about this place from a JO buddy, I went bi there today to check it out and WOW. <br />
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What a GREAT SET UP......a private parking lot where you can just get out and GET NAKED and then walk along the trails where various &quot;sets&quot; are cleared out with chairs and benches for nude visitors to sit and watch other nudes walk bi or stop and watch what is already happening there.<br />
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The's no club fee, no entrance fee bu_tt there is a donation box.<br />
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Having been to a 50-70 man circle jerk at Atlanta Jacks back when they met in Club Manifest (and to the coed masturbation group in Tampa-Orlando (Club Relate), I REALLY ENJOY GROUP NUDITY MASTURBATION and this place promises to be REALLY NICE.<br />
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This &quot;picture&quot; (a composite) will help you find the place if interested.
Yes.. I know its early.. But.. This is a heads up in Georgia that the Snail is coming to town. I have a Conference in Atlanta Georgia April 2004. This should give me plenty of time to see whats Hot in Georgia B4 i get there.
There has been some interest in a masturbation club. Would someone like to host it. I would suggest that participants help defray costs. No insertion of any body part would be allowed. Only masturbation activities including touching stroking only with hands. No activity above the neck or in the rear. This club would only be for those who like to masturbate with others either watching or participating. Any takers?
I live in the Seattle area and would love to start a masturbation club or group sex/swing club to meet on a regular basis. Is anyone interested?
Visiting Atlanta , Georgia


Masturbating In Public
I think I marked this incorrectly. I would be interested in masturbating in a public setting where it was allowed, for example at Club Relate in Florida, which is a masturbation club. I want no part of it where the law would lock me up. I'm not daring either.
anyone in Georgia willing to get together for masturbation. Willing to do no touch just watch up to mutual masturbation. I love to masturbate and I love to watch others tool :)
Masturbation Clubs
Let's start a masturbation club in Pahrump Nevada ? I have a bit of property that I can maybe host on ? Don't have to be just a male to join with us, yes females can jerk us off If they would enjoy doing so ? Masturbation is for Both sexes to get to enjoy 1 another's personal pleasures ?
Bisexual Swing Clubs
Hi Casey and Georgia here. We live in S.E. Texas as well as in Chicago. We have done the regular swing/adult club routine and are in general very pleased with the experiences we had so far. However, and please correct and educate us if we are wrong, but is there such a thing as a truly Bi-Sexual club anywhere ? Everywhere we are going, the places are packed with bisexual females and they can express that as much as they please and that is absolutely wonderful, but when a man or a number of men in the same setting attempt to do the same, even when all are in consent, the management or the members, guests, or who ever is in the play area will either ask you to stop or leave the premises. It is an unfair and double standard practice, that we would like to address on behalf of all truly Bisexual " Couples ". Isn't it time that there is a place and a space available for couples that have both partners Bisexual and have a choice to swing either straight or Bi/Criss-Cross without being frowned upon ? Please let us know if there is such a club anywhere. We welcome any feedback and constructive critisizme. Casey and Georgia
Would like to find a jack off buddy in Georgia. In or around north Atlanta.
I masturbated on a woman's tits in front of 17 people while attending a Club Relate (masturbation club) event in Tampa. Found the club via PentHouse Letters and they were subsequently on HBO's Reel Sex. It was such a turn on to "show off" that I was able to cum on her 2 more times. I was her first shot, last and the guy in the middle to cum on her tits. Seeing all that cum on her titties, chest and panties was AMAZING. I also love to masturbate lying on my back and letting my load build up after 45-60 minutes of controlled stroking so that when I cum, I can create a little geyser of cum.


BillnPattie, thank you for your e-mail here. Yes, we are excited to have found your site here, a bit more than what we have discussed about trying to locate! Just wish we could find a club to go to with folks that would be members of your site!! Many thanks!! Leo & Maria