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New member here, enjoying the sights. Looking for some MM playtime, I'm oral only, lick, suck, deep throat. Goodyear n surrounding area.

Welcome, hope you find your interests local. Lots of people here and many are good to chat with and lots of pics to enjoy

Welcome enjoy all you can πŸ˜‰

travelmicky, thanks for reaching out, I'm enjoying meeting new friends

luvtirsndicks2, I am enjoying the site and having a great time.


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Political Interests
Well, I see my links were not displayed correctly, as usual. If you care about this issue, please go to Glen Beck's web site. Search the site for "The Letter". You will find it and the link to a petition there. I'll see if I can at least get you all to Glen's web site. Here goes. /
Men for Men
Yes, I know this is a bisexual site. But I also know there are other gay men like me on this site. Just hope you're close enough we could meet. :)
I am on this site to help my girlfriend fulfill her fantasy. She wants to fuck (we're all adults here, right?) another woman with a strap on while I fuck her. There will be absolutely no contact what so ever between me and the other woman, I only want to document the event and participate only with her. If there is any ladies on this site that this appeals to, contact me and we will see where this goes.
Role Playing
I recently joined this site. I loved /entry. And I loved it. It good clean roleplaying fun. I loved to be what ever I want to be vampire or other race on the site. And it doesn't really matter if you liked or loved a man or women that is the same gender. As as long as you keep the picture clean. And the fact that it is fun.
Story Writing
Both me and Vince love to write stories and poetry. He's better at the "short story" than I am though. :) So far, I have written 3 novellas. 2 recently, and one when I was 11 or 12. I have go back through and re-edit the one I wrote when I was younger one. And I wouldn't necessarily call the stories I have written "erotica", but the two newer ones have sex scenes. Currently, Vince is writing a sort of "Vampire Porn Movie Script" where it's written exactly how a script for a movie is written. It's very good though. As for poetry, over the years I have lost count of all the poems I have written. For many years, I would sometimes write 4 or 5 poems a month or possibly more! :) And I don't know how many poems Vince has stashed around the house, but he has quite a few too. Some of my poems are online at this particular site that we both frequent. And some are on BP here as well as well as my only "erotica" short story. The stories I have written are also on that site, including the short story. Vince is also an armature song writer and has several songs next to his many poems that he has written. If anyone is interested, just email us and we would be happy to send along the site where our stories are. HugKissHugKiss
Bareback Tops
What? are there no bb top's on this site. :(

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