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Age, Preference:
58, Bisexual
Gender, Race:
Male Caucasian
Practice Safe Sex:
Most of the time
I have had a few experiences (still a beginner)
6' 5, 290 lbs. (Big boned)
Short Dark Brown
Eye Color:
I don't have glasses
Interested In Ages:
20 - 50
Looking For:
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Short Term Relationship
Interested In:
M-M-F Threesome
Group Sex
I am a somewhat intense person. That is how others describe me. I am physically imposing and tend to stand out. When it comes to sex, I like to be of service and give pleasure to others in whatever way I am able. My most intense fantasies are to be of service to a man and a woman, or even a group. I am HIV negative but I am very oral and tactile. If a couple would like me to be of service to them, I can promise an intense and deeply satisfying carnal experience. In life I am usually in charge... In the bedroom I want only to serve...
Getting Together:
RACERXP has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
RACERXP can entertain at their home.
RACERXP would like to meet at a Cafe.
RACERXP can travel up to 30 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Meet - Greet - Eat - Go to the Place - Take off the clothes - Go at it like animals - lick, suck, swallow, shower and ... so long.
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