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Age, Preference:
53, Bisexual
Gender, Race:
Female African American
Practice Safe Sex:
Yes, always
I have had a few experiences (still a beginner)
5' 5, 120 lbs. (Slim)
Medium Dark Brown
Eye Color:
I wear contacts instead of glasses
Interested In Ages:
20 - 40
Looking For:
Single Women
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Short Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
Cyber Sex
Phone Sex
1 on 1 Sexual Relationship
"Being alone does not mean that you are lonely." not many people can understand that saying. I believe that everything is not for everybody and what you do in your house is your business and what i do in my house is my business. i don't let just anyone in my being said, i am very secure in who i am. i love kids, but don't have any. i love to travel (just got back from japan). i love pink champagne (the real stuff not champipple)...i think sex is like food...sometimes you want filet mignon...sometimes you want lobster...and sometimes you want a chicken box from the corner store....and if you want all three at the same time...wellllll.......
Getting Together:
final_e_free2bme has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
final_e_free2bme can entertain at their home.
final_e_free2bme would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
final_e_free2bme can travel up to 25000 miles.
Ideal Situation:
I think that the ideal situation really depends upon the person that I meet. I have never met anyone over the internet. Whenever I have met someone out, there was some sort of connection or vibe. It could have been lust, interesting conversation, their personality, the way they looked, the look they give me, a touch or too much to drink.(smile). I am going to rely heavily on the conversations that I have with the person on line. If I like what they're saying, then we can go from there. So I guess my ideal situation about getting together would be to go on line and chat until I catch a vibe or I give someone a vibe. We would get to know each other and find out what each is looking for. Who knows, we could be on line at the same time because we can't sleep and as the conversation gets better, we might decide to meet that night for coffee at the PaperMoon. We have coffee and great conversation. We part and go our separate ways. I add them to my buddy list and they add me to theirs. I don't think that every encounter has to turn out to be sexual. Now if I am horny, my ideal situation would be to go on line, still chat until I get a vibe or connection. I am open and honest , so I would let the person know why I was on line. Once the connection was made, we would decide where to meet. When we meet, the vibe will be even stronger. Both like what we see and will take it from there.
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