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Age, Preference:
59, Bi-Curious
Gender, Race:
Female Caucasian
Practice Safe Sex:
Most of the time
I have had a few experiences (still a beginner)
5' 7, (Chubby)
Medium Brown
Eye Color:
I don't have glasses
Interested In Ages:
35 - 45
Looking For:
Single Men
Single Women
Will go as far as:
Interested In:
Cyber Sex
M-F-F Threesome
M-M-F Threesome
I'm a fun, carefree type of person. I'm never at a loss for words. I like going out dancing with friends. I've been called BOLD. I always say exactly what is on my mind. I just say what other people are thinking. Some say I can be a little embarassing. Sorry if it bothers you! NOT! (please go to the end of the line and take your punishment)lol. I am what I am. In other words what you see is what you get. In your face!
Getting Together:
pantiesbyme has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
pantiesbyme can not entertain at their home.
pantiesbyme would like to meet at a Cafe.
pantiesbyme can travel up to 100 miles.
Ideal Situation:
I'd like to met someone for the first time at a cafe for coffe or tea. If they or I am not interested, then its just a short meeting. I don't like awkward situations for myself or anyone else. If something comes out of a brief meeting, we will go from there.
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