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Age, Preference:
54, Bisexual
Gender, Race:
Male Anglo/Hispanic
Practice Safe Sex:
Most of the time
I have had a few experiences (still a beginner)
Interested In Ages:
30 - 50
Looking For:
Single Men
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Short Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
1 on 1 Sexual Relationship
M-M-F Threesome
M-F-M Threesome
Group Sex
Adventurous, fun-loving, sincere and considerate. Mostly, I would love to travel almost anywhere at anytime when funds and time are available. I travel overseas at least once or twice a year for pleasure, and make several out-of-state trips as I can arrange them. Since I live in Texas, this is a big and fun place to explore and visit, which I also do quite frequently. I can travel alone or with friends or a lover...I can do it all. Yet, there also that homebody side to me where I am quite comfortable nesting and being domestic, but only for awhile. I am looking for folks who enjoy living and doing what is so great about our times and the opportunities that are available.
Getting Together:
texbihunter has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
texbihunter can possibly entertain at their home.
texbihunter would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
texbihunter can travel up to 500 miles.
Ideal Situation:
It truely depends on the person(s) involved and the situation. I have hooked up with a stranger in a cafe and had great sex at his hotel and then see each other days later without any obligation or regret, and then wth others we would connect on an intellect and outlook level, and then only later on after clubbing, etc. we would go further or not, ...but more often. there's much more.
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