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First Time I Had Sex with My Jackoff Buddy

Looking for a jackoff buddy
I need a jackoff buddy
Jackoff buddy
Looking for jackoff buddy
avg mature m/w/m looking for jackoff buddy
Jackoff buddy watching
hey I'm looking for a jackoff and suck buddy to meet with
a couple times a week and jackoff together, helping each other
and watching. Cum on I can't be the only 50 something guy
who loves to jack off.
Be up in Florida Deerfield bch love have jackoff buddy or circle jerk,,,,it's time we end thus distance thing,go 4 it ,rentbhotel room,that settles hist or not,,,,,
I actually had a circle jerk group and a one-on-one jackoff buddy when I was 13 and there was even the younger sister of one of the guys in the circle jerk that came and watched us too. We all left her alone, but enjoyed that she watched us jackoff.
I would like a jackoff buddy
Looking for a Jackoff buddy.
would like to have occasional jackoff buddy and more when we can


Jack Off Buddy
looking for a jackoff buddy in san diego,
Jack Off Buddy
Looking for jackoff buddy in lower Michigan
Friends Masturbating
i'd love a jackoff buddy here in my town...
Jerk Off Buddies
Looking for a down to earth jackoff buddy in the Valdosta, Ga area
Jo Buddies
Would love to find a jackoff buddy in my area( Valdosta, Ga)
Jack Off Buddy
looking for a jackoff buddy in the chicagoland area drop me a line if anyone is instrested


Well thank you for putting up this website. I just started to look through it last night and will continue as time allows. I am a grad student out here in VA and about ready to move to AZ and well this seems like a really good place to meet like minded people since I will know just a few people in AZ, namely an old buddy of mine and an old friend from my undergraduate days. I thought you guys did a great job on the questionnaire, it was longer than most but it was very complete and I am sure will make me a much more informed person when I choose to send out a hi ya to some people. Again thank you for putting up this website.