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Age, Preference:
63, Bi-Curious
55, Bisexual
Gender, Race:
Male Caucasian
Female Caucasian
Practice Safe Sex:
Once in a while
Half the time
I am a newbie (no experiences)
I am very experienced
Interested In Ages:
30 - 55
25 - 55
Looking For:
Single Women
Single Women
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Meeting in person
Interested In:
M-F-F Threesome
M-M-F Threesome
M-F-M Threesome
F-M-F Threesome
Group Sex
Other Alternative Lifestyle
M-F-F Threesome
M-M-F Threesome
M-F-M Threesome
F-M-F Threesome
Group Sex
Other Alternative Lifestyle
We are an experienced swing lifestyle couple. She is very bi and he is curious. Comfortable in our own sexuality and being together. She is a bbw with an insatiable sexual appetite while he is average build, with great staying power and creative imagination.
Getting Together:
mnginindiantrail has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
mnginindiantrail can entertain at their home.
mnginindiantrail would like to meet at a Restaurant.
mnginindiantrail can travel up to 100 miles.
Ideal Situation:
We would like to exchange email. Then meet for a few drinks and get a chance for everyone to get to know one another. If ALL are then comfortable, then let nature take it's course. If any one party has reservations about going further, then just enjoy the evening together. This is about making friends and then if you are really lucky, then maybe you can take it to another level.
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