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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. 70's
Just wondering if anyone else grew up and enjoyed the 70's as much as I did...:) Hugs Kisses Flowers
I did it was great go to the street fair get high,look at chicks:)Hug
That was when pussy was my only interest. Furrry and wet! Drive in movies and fondling women. And of course getting blow jobs, not into completion then. It was the wonderfull time of my life. Yes it seems we are consumed on yesteryears. I'm still looking for ties like that! Great pussy with a tight ass and permed curly hair. And I get turned on by a man opening his ass up for others to enjoy? Just me.
I grew up in the seventies and loved it. Everything just seemed so fun.
Oh yes, indeed. I spent all of the 70s trying to prove to myself that I wasn't gay. I was fucking every where and eating pussy. In the car, park, behind stores, at the top of off ramps. Then I'd go to a book store and a glory hole. Now it was time for some dick and sweet Cum. Lindawantabe
70's on Bisexual Playground70's on Bisexual Playground70's on Bisexual Playground70's on Bisexual Playground

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