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  3. 80'S Music/HairBands/Metal
I love my hair bands!!!! Been to so many concerts! But I can't believe it...the other day I turned on a classic rock station and they were playing Motley Crue. I guess the song is right: When DID Motley Crue become classic rock?
blondie I also can relate to bowling for soup's I just saw Motley Crue (and Meatloaf and Journey, and John Waite) Flower
Mptley Crue is cool but, the best concert ever was Iron Maiden, Dio and Motorhead. Oh yeah, Danzig last weekend.Hug:)
o the 80s are allover my ipod!!!
Anybody see Van Halen again? Really great show!
I Love hair bands!!!!!!
If you love hair metal, are a new or nearly new bi-cur F, and you just love and want to help me fulfill my "What is your ideal situation about getting together?" ...THEN YOU ARE MY DREAM GIRL Flower Kiss Let's get to know each other.
im still manowar all the way!!!hail brothers!!!
I grew up on the sunset strip was in a band that played whiskey can prove it
I’m going to see The Musical Box perform at Center Stage in Atlanta tonight. So looking forward to this.
80'S Music/HairBands/Metal on Bisexual Playground80'S Music/HairBands/Metal on Bisexual Playground80'S Music/HairBands/Metal on Bisexual Playground80'S Music/HairBands/Metal on Bisexual Playground

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