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Obeah Bdsm

Obeah Bdsm on Bisexual PlaygroundObeah Bdsm on Bisexual Playground
I've been on the Bdsm club scene for 9 years. I want to explore some new things in my sexual journey. I'm seeking the following: Woman, couples, or TGirls. I'm clean, well groomed, and very creative in bed. I have a suitcase full of toys and Bdsm items if that interest you, but Bdsm is not required, just creative orgasms. Lol
I am looking for sex with a woman or male or both.Like to try everything.Like the out doors.I do like bdsm,have done it with women before.Am easy going except when doing bdsm than I am the master.
I am an older sub, looking for a dom, domme, or couple into bdsm, Have experience in bdsm and bondage for many years.
Bi couple that are more into same sex connections than swapping. We are both Dominants and enjoy BDSM and we both can top either sex. This profile is more for him however and she might not be involved (most likely unless it is BDSM play).
My husband and I are very kinky and are into bdsm. We are looking to do a threesome with another girl. Huge plus if she is also into bdsm.
I enjoy sex and BDSM as a switch. I look much younger than my age, I am very creative in the arts, sex, and BDSM.
goodfolks you are one sick person if you think bdsm is worse then child rapist. there is nothing wrong with bdsm if all parties are involved are in agreement. i dont personally get into that maybe being tied down but nothing extreme but i dont judge others that enjoy it. you really need to rethink what you wrote.. i bet if you were in the position to get raped or killed you would take bdsm over both of them..
BDSM does not always lead to serial killing. That is just absurd. There are so many other signs then BDSM. Also BDSM is not rape. If I choose to be tied down and ravished till I cannot cum anymore... its my choice. You think BDSM is worse than Cannibalism, Carpophagia, Child Rape and Serial Killing???? Whatever... this site is about to each their own. BDSM is a healthy choice between two consenting people. Just because I like to be tied down to a bed and have my husband please me does not mean he is raping me. Then you say "Now, do not get angry, this is just my opinion." But then you go on to say "So keep on raping until you finally crack and rape a stranger and end up in jail, where rapist belong" Really? I am a victim of CHILD MOLESTATION... and It is NOTHING like BDSM. I didn't have a voice but your damn right I have one now! I will use it to tell you that you are wrong Goodfolks52! Your name does not go with you because what you have just said is mean. You Judge people because they like to experiment CONSENSUALLY with others? If they are over age and enjoy doing it and are not hurting anyone (safe word)... where is it your business? Or your right to call them rapists? Thank God I had the good sense to block you when I seen your true colors come out yesterday..... oh and remember its just my opinion!
It seems there are not may people on here interested in BDSM. If you are we also give lessons as well as our BDSM Dinner parties with a slow hand if you know what I mean. we also have a big very well equipped pleasure palace in Naples FL. come for a week or weekend. After 25 years I have many good references.
This thread reminds me of when 50 Shades Of Gray came out and all the vanillas thought it was about kink and BDSM, when it was mostly just a vanilla fantasy about what kink and BDSM really are.
Maybe I don't get it because I am not into BDSM. To me it is very strange to be unable to enjoy the pleasures of sex without being tied up and forced to participate in a sexual act by a rapist. BDSM is rape, and rape is wrong at any level--child molesters are higher up on the food chain than rapists. I feel sorry for people who can't give themselves willing and with mutual respect to each other. In BDSM there is a rapist and a victim, and as we all know rape isn't about sex it's about violence, hate, and degradation. The victim is sexually dysfunctional because they can't feel the normal sexual feelings of someone who can ( of their own free will ) surrender to the mutual desires and passion of each other. The rapist in the BDSM perversion more than likely has fantasies of killing the victim and more than likely practising cannibalism. Jeffery Dahlmer is the poster boy for what BDSM is really about. Why would any man or woman want to have sex with an unwilling partner--or be raped. To me this is not only odd but sick. Serial killers start out as BDSM practitioners and graduate to murder. Look up the clinical definition of what Sexual Sadism is, so you can understand the true dysfunction of BDSM. I am a person who believes in each to his own, and I do not have a problem with most sexual perversions, heck I practise several myself, nevertheless, there are areas of sex that are pathological, destructive, and dangerous--BDSM is the at the top of the list. Only cannibalism, carpophagia, child rape, and serial killing are lower than BDSM. Now, do not get angry, this is just my opinion. So keep on raping until you finally crack and rape a stranger and end up in jail, where rapists belong. I suggest if you like to play the victim role you visit the nearest mental health clinic, because you are very damaged, sexually dysfunctional and can't feel the most basic of human feelings.
There are specific symbols and color combinations you can use to "flag" that you are bisexual, gay, lesbian, into BDSM, etc. I have met other folks who are into BDSM, for example, because one of us displayed a related symbol or set of colors on our keyrings, cars, or other obvious places.

- Jesse


1 Man 2 Women
My Dom and I are looking for a girl to come join us for some sexy fun, we are well into BDSM, I love being tied up, would live a girl who would like to join my master in dominating me, but we are happy not to include BDSM if the right girl comes along x
I have almost no experience with BDSM, but it looks like fun.
Very interested in bdsm and can't wait to experiment.
South Jersey, hit me up, females into bdsm
Submissive Bisexual Females
We would like to find a submissive female who is into heavyduty BDSM.
BDSM; i need a person whose dominant to me; any takers ?; nothing extreme, i like pain too ;):)


You guys are doing an awesome job with this site. What a great concept! Hope to chat sometime!