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  3. looking for a top

looking for a top to fuck my ass!!! must be clean and hiv negative and no other STD'S In Massachusetts !! i am hiv negative and no other STD'S tested last year 8/23!! maybe bareback if you have no std's!! i don't a great pics of it!! need someone to photo it and my cock too!!

additional information to above , MUST HAVE AT LEAST 7 INCH COCK CUT OR UNCUT WOULD BE REAL NICE!!

They have medicine / prep for hiv that keeps you from getting it, one pill a day. They also have a pill/2per dose you take when having unprotected sex for gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. Also I get tested every 3 months. I'm a bottom as well but don't want to give anything to my wife.

i don't want to have to take that, you need a prescription for that and my doctor does not know about my sex life!! also they do not a medication to prevent other std's like you mention i believe!!

are you on that medication daily?

Yes on the hiv prevention and I only take the other pills within 72 hrs of unprotected sex and yes I go to the prep clinic so the pills do work they are drs. I plan on being safe and not spreading things.

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