Exploreme69I love pussy more, But right now I would be up for a big or a fat cock in my mouth to suck that big cock of your's and I would love to take every inch of his ( YOUR ) cock in my tight little brown eye, stretching my brown eye all out of shape, feeling my tight little brown eye gripping onto that big cock of your's in my ass pounding me.. I am not just a talker" I am a do'er" I am a bisexual male that is very clean and discreet & I am totally disease free.. I am very much about giving oral and anal sex, I am all about action's.. In my world talking means very little, I was always told put your mouth where your ass is.. All About action's.. Don't say what you want to do to me, unless you really plan on doing it to me.." I am not bitching, Just a person is supposed to be as good as their word.. We as people should always back our words up with actions of our words... I won't lead anyone on, what you see is what you get.." I ðŸ'˜ Pussy & I Love Cock" Wanna Hook Up With Me Aleast Be Honest... I live in Adams County, Ohio & I am looking to please & to be pleased.." I am very oral and anal sex oriented.. Talk to those of you who are bisexual seriously minded" I Want To Suck & Be Sucked" I Want To Fuck & To Be Fucked" STRAIGHT TO THE POINT" NO BEATING AROUND THE BUSH..." Hug
Flower Kiss :-P "