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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Animations
[color:Blue][b][i]what I mean by animations is making them like animated pictures or cartoons even icons. It is fun but can be time consuming but you neer know you might find someone that likes it and wants to buy it for an ecard or even to use on there website. Animations is not limited to the things listed above but can also include animated icons even an animated photo gallery(slideshow). I have done several of these to help promote Bisexualplayground and just so glad that I had a good teacher (Webmaster Bill) Hugs and Kisses Bill Keep up with the great icons and everything else hopefully my couple of icons will get added soon. IconU4DragonIconLRWolf
Love cartoon sex
Animations on Bisexual PlaygroundAnimations on Bisexual PlaygroundAnimations on Bisexual PlaygroundAnimations on Bisexual Playground

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