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  3. Baking
Well I took 4 yrs of cooking in highschool and Loved it because it got me out of classes because the teachers always had me cooking them lunch. Baking I love making Pumpkin Pies and always trying something new with them I think I have found a perfect way to make them, but think this year I will try a new way and add diofferent spices to see what type of reacton I get so far I have not had a bad one so thats a good sign. IconU4Dragon
I stared working, as a dish washer, in a bakery when I was 14. From there I learned a little on my own until I joined the navy. I went to sea for a total of 8 months and was in the bakery the whole time. Out of all of cooking, baking is my favorite thing to do. Of course baking for 5,000 sailors you tend to learn to like it. lol Steve :)
i love to bake for my family and friends, i can be very "donna reed" lol
I love to bake and Billy loves the fruits of my Hug
I bake bread from scratch,pizza dough, n cinnamon rolls.I am always making cookies n cake n pie....mmmmmmm pie..I like hair pie!!!!......Mike
I love to cook and bake. Yes, I love fresh hot cum in my coffee. Lindawantabe
I love baking! I love to bake breads, cakes, pies, and all desserts! I also like cum in my coffee!
Baking on Bisexual PlaygroundBaking on Bisexual PlaygroundBaking on Bisexual PlaygroundBaking on Bisexual Playground

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