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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Beauty
Well this interest goes both ways Body and internal there is nothing like having a woman with both types of beauty and I have one of the most beautiful women in the world and her name is Laura. IconU4Dragon
Well Keith, I have to agree with you, Beauty is one of the rarest things that one could ever hope o find in a mate. I consider myself one of the luckiest men in the world to have such a beautiful and wonderful person in Pattie. I truly love her, and she is, in a word, Beauty. Flower Kiss I Love You Pattie Yours, Bill
Beauty is whats inside of the person that makes them beautiful!
What makes a person beautiful is when they are not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. KissHugFlower
you sure are a beauty
In the EYE of the Beholder.
Very pretty
Sexy eyes , beautiful smile. All add up to a very pretty woman
Very pretty sexy eyes.
You're beautiful
Beauty on Bisexual PlaygroundBeauty on Bisexual PlaygroundBeauty on Bisexual PlaygroundBeauty on Bisexual Playground

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