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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Clothed Female Nude Male
CFNM Clothed female naked male. Being the entertainment at a ladies luncheon or party. I'm naked. They watch and I masturbate.
Being a true nudist at heart its not uncommon to find me running around nude around the house or anywhere else that I can get away with being naked. As for Sue she prefers to keep her clothes on for the most part unless she is really comfortable with our friends...HugKissFlower
Being a naked male in front of a lady or group of ladies that are fully clothed would be so sexually humiliating, especially if I would have to entertain them in order to get my clothes back. I am getting sexually curious, just thinking about it.
That would be so HOT!
I would love to be naked in front of a group of clothed women! I would be their sex slave, their toy, to be used however they wish!
Clothed Female Nude Male on Bisexual PlaygroundClothed Female Nude Male on Bisexual PlaygroundClothed Female Nude Male on Bisexual PlaygroundClothed Female Nude Male on Bisexual Playground

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