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  3. Condom
Condoms can be alot of fun!!
I think putting on a condom, either on yourself or a partner, can be a sexy thing. Even though I’ve had a vasectomy, and soon we won’t HAVE to use condoms, it’s still sexy to roll on that tight, latex sheath. Great for taking the edge off so you can last a little longer. Also, they’re good for covering jelly sex toys, so you don’t have to worry about phthalates leaching out of the plastic. I even have some finger cots, which are the little condoms that are for covering just one finger, and they are great for covering anal plugs, or covering a finger or thumb for rubbing a clit.
Condom on Bisexual PlaygroundCondom on Bisexual PlaygroundCondom on Bisexual PlaygroundCondom on Bisexual Playground

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