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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Corsets
I love the feel of a nice tight corset
Nothing defines femininity like a corset. The way it defines natural curves, enhances the bust line. Nothing sexier in my mind.
I totally agree Hug Kiss Hug Kiss I Love it
tie me up~~Kiss
Does anyone have links to good custom made Corsets?
Check out Versitile Fashions! They can be foud online and have gorgeous corsets and full out fits!
Angels Carrying Savage Weapons make really gorgeous corsets. They're expensive, but a good custom made corset is definitely worth the money if you're serious about them (which I am :D) Hug
Corsets on Bisexual PlaygroundCorsets on Bisexual PlaygroundCorsets on Bisexual PlaygroundCorsets on Bisexual Playground

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