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  1. BisexualPlayground
  2. Interests
  3. Mature Married Bi-females
I am so interested in finding someone that is like me..married and really bi-curious! I don't like the thought of a young partner; I like the thought of someone with maybe a little more experience or someone that is "not perfect" (which usually comes with Is there anyone like me out there?Kiss I know there must be some ladies out there who feel like I do!
When I saw the Oprah show a few weeks ago about beautiful, sexy, married bi-sexual woman struggling without support, I thought I'd look into it some more. You see, I am one of those frustrated "desperate" housewives, who feels completely alone! I actually joined this site not so much as to find a sexual partner, (although THAT would be great), but to find support from other woman. Bisexuality can be so complicated, we woman ought to really stick together. Is anyone in the Greater Los Angeles, or West L.A. area interested in forming some sort of an alliance where, perhaps a few well matched woman of similar backgrounds and interests can get together? We can plan it slowly, find a cafe for all who care to meet, and go from there! You just know we'll have great conversation, at the very least, and make new exciting gal-pals most. Now, doesn't that sound proactive?! Aw common, let your spirit sour!!HugKissKissFlower
Being married to a bisexual man I am interested in finding another mature Female who is bisexual or bi-curious that would be willing to teach me the joys of making love to another woman...
Hey !!!!!!!!! ladies !!!!!!!!!Kiss We are a couple that would love to have a curve lady join us in. Are bed room 4 fun. We like too take weekend trips and may have you join us. We love to babe the lady and show her she can be touched in all goodways. We also would like to say: My hubby and I have been togather now about 6 ,yrs. We have ONLY been with one lady in are relationship. It's been a about 4 yrs ...I think Sents that happen.. So we r ready to find a lushies curvey lady... Hug. So please look us up...If you are the one. We will make you a happy one.KissHugHugHugHug
Mature Married Bi-females on Bisexual PlaygroundMature Married Bi-females on Bisexual PlaygroundMature Married Bi-females on Bisexual PlaygroundMature Married Bi-females on Bisexual Playground

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