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To you who do not know me. You do not understand my beliefs; yet you proceed to attack me, violating your own code with your intolerance... To you who set up campaigns to silence me, and yet protest when your rights are infringed upon... To you who call me evil, but don't know what I am... because you have never cared to find out... This is what I say to you. I am not evil, I am peaceful. I will not be silenced, for I believe what I speak. I wish no harm to come to you. I wish not to fight with you. I hold no malice against you because we believe differently. I wish it were the same with you. I do not hate you, although you'd like to believe I do. I do not cast spells to harm you. You accuse me of foul injustice, but I am innocent. You accuse me of violence, which I do not perform. You've called me a killer. I wish only for the chance to live in peace with you and all others. You've accused me of the foulest of deeds; you've tried to suppress me and destroy me. You've done your best to succeed, but yet, you fail. You fail because, despite all that you have done to me and my kind throughout history, Still we live. We will not be silenced. We are W itches, Pagans, Wiccans and Shamans. We are united together to fight the intolerance you teach. If you learn anything from this...Learn that we will survive. We have, and we always will. Author Unknown
New Worlds and Old In the autumn of the lightnings, in the mighty-voic'ed throng In the twilight were the offerings, with both chants and full-throat song: These the People, born to silence These the Seekers, born to sight These the Wanderers, born to roaming These frail Humans, born to night... In the winter's swirling blizzard, in the quaking of great trees In the night-black child of charring, in the wavering, fitful breeze: These the Wicca, seeking knowledge These the Shamen, knowing care These the Students, always reading These the Hopeful, who despair... In the spring-tide's joyous growing, in the flower and the leaf In the summer's dearth and plenty, saving up to stoke Belief: Hear the Mother, gentle-voicings Hear the Father, rumbled whisper Hear the Children, gay and laughing Hear the Many - sing your vesper... Now the Bard and Druid gather Now the Priestess calls afar Now the Time to Watch and Listen Now the Time to practice more! Kihe Blackeagle
Why I Am Pagan by Zitkala-Sa Written in 1902. When the spirit swells my breast I love to roam leisurely among the green hills; or sometimes, sitting on the brink of the murmuring Missouri, I marvel at the great blue overhead. With half closed eyes I watch the huge cloud shadows in their noiseless play upon the high bluffs opposite me, while into my ear ripple the sweet, soft cadences of the river's song. Folded hands lie in my lap, for the time forgot. My heart and I lie small upon the earth like a grain of throbbing sand. Drifting clouds and tinkling waters, together with the warmth of a genial summer day, bespeak with eloquence the loving Mystery round about us. During the idle while I sat upon the sunny river brink, I grew somewhat, though my response be not so clearly manifest as in the green grass fringing the edge of the high bluff back of me. At length retracing the uncertain footpath scaling the precipitous embankment, I seek the level lands where grow the wild prairie flowers. And they, the lovely little folk, soothe my soul with their perfumed breath. Their quaint round faces of varied hue convince the heart which leaps with glad surprise that they, too, are living symbols of omnipotent thought. With a child's eager eye I drink in the myriad star shapes wrought in luxuriant color upon the green. Beautiful is the spiritual essence they embody. I leave them nodding in the breeze, but take along with me their impress upon my heart. I pause to rest me upon a rock embedded on the side of a foothill facing the low river bottom. Here the Stone-Boy, of whom the American aborigine tells, frolics about, shooting his baby arrows and shouting aloud with glee at the tiny shafts of lightning that flash from the flying arrow-beaks. What an ideal warrior he became, baffling the siege of the pests of all the land till he triumphed over their united attack. And here he lay,--Inyan our great-great-grandfather, older than the hill he rested on, older than the race of men who love to tell of his wonderful career. Interwoven with the thread of this Indian legend of the rock, I fain would trace a subtle knowledge of the native folk which enabled them to recognize a kinship to any and all parts of this vast universe. By the leading of an ancient trail I move toward the Indian village. With the strong, happy sense that both great and small are so surely enfolded in His magnitude that, without a miss, each has his allotted individual ground of opportunities, I am buoyant with good nature. Yellow Breast, swaying upon the slender stem of a wild sunflower, warbles a sweet assurance of this as I pass near by. Breaking off the clear crystal song, he turns his wee head from side to side eyeing me wisely as slowly I plod with moccasined feet. Then again he yields himself to his song of joy. Flit, flit hither and yon, he fills the summer sky with his swift, sweet melody. And truly does it seem his vigorous freedom lies more in his little spirit than in his wing. With these thoughts I reach the log cabin whither I am strongly drawn by the tie of a child to an aged mother. Out bounds my four-footed friend to meet me, frisking about my path with unmistakable delight. Chän is a black shaggy dog, "a thorough bred little mongrel" of whom I am very fond. Chän seems to understand many words in Sioux, and will go to her mat even when I whisper the word, though generally I think she is guided by the tone of the voice. Often she tries to imitate the sliding inflection and long drawn out voice to the amusement of our guests, but her articulation is quite beyond my ear. In both my hands I hold her shaggy head and gaze into her large brown eyes. At once the dilated pupils contract into tiny black dots, as if the roguish spirit within would evade my questioning. Finally resuming the chair at my desk I feel in keen sympathy with my fellow creatures, for I seem to see clearly again that all are akin. The racial lines, which once were bitterly real, now serve nothing more than marking out a living mosaic of human beings. And even here men of the same color are like the ivory keys of one instrument where each resembles all the rest, yet varies from them in pitch and quality of voice. And those creatures who are for a time mere echoes of another's note are not unlike the fable of the thin sick man whose distorted shadow, dressed like a real creature, came to the old master to make him follow as a shadow. Thus with a compassion for all echoes in human guise, I greet the solemn-faced "native preacher" whom I find awaiting me. I listen with respect for God's creature, though he mouth most strangely the jangling phrases of a bigoted creed. As our tribe is one large family, where every person is related to all the others, he addressed me:-- "Cousin, I came from the morning church service to talk with you." "Yes?" I said interrogatively, as he paused for some word from me. Shifting uneasily about in the straight-backed chair he sat upon, he began: "Every holy day (Sunday) I look about our little God's house, and not seeing you there, I am disappointed. This is why I come to-day. Cousin, as I watch you from afar, I see no unbecoming behavior and hear only good reports of you, which all the more burns me with the wish that you were a church member. Cousin, I was taught long years ago by kind missionaries to read the holy book. These godly men taught me also the folly of our old beliefs. "There is one God who gives reward or punishment to the race of dead men. In the upper region the Christian dead are gathered in unceasing song and prayer. In the deep pit below, the sinful ones dance in torturing flames. "Think upon these things, my cousin, and choose now to avoid the after-doom of hell fire!" Then followed a long silence in which he clasped tighter and unclasped again his interlocked fingers. Like instantaneous lightning flashes came pictures of my own mother's making, for she, too, is now a follower of the new superstition. "Knocking out the chinking of our log cabin, some evil hand thrust in a burning taper of braided dry grass, but failed of his intent, for the fire died out and the half burned brand fell inward to the floor. Directly above it, on a shelf, lay the holy book. This is what we found after our return from a several days' visit. Surely some great power is hid in the sacred book!" Brushing away from my eyes many like pictures, I offered midday meal to the converted Indian sitting wordless and with downcast face. No sooner had he risen from the table with "Cousin, I have relished it," than the church bell rang. Thither he hurried forth with his afternoon sermon. I watched him as he hastened along, his eyes bent fast upon the dusty road till he disappeared at the end of a quarter of a mile. The little incident recalled to mind the copy of a missionary paper brought to my notice a few days ago, in which a "Christian" pugilist commented upon a recent article of mine, grossly perverting the spirit of my pen. Still I would not forget that the pale-faced missionary and the hoodooed aborigine are both God's creatures, though small indeed their own conceptions of Infinite Love. A wee child toddling in a wonder world, I prefer to their dogma my excursions into the natural gardens where the voice of the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of birds, the rippling of mighty waters, and the sweet breathing of flowers. If this is Paganism, then at present, at least, I am a Pagan.
A Pledge To Pagan Spirituality Anon ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- I am a Pagan and I dedicate Myself to channeling the Spiritual Energy of my Inner Self to help and to heal myself and others. I know that I am a part of the Whole of Nature. May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in Balance. May I always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its Unity and may I always be tolerant of those whose race, appearance, sex, sexual preference, culture, and other ways differ from my own. May I use the Force (psychic power) wisely and never use it for aggression nor for malevolent purposes. May I never direct it to curtail the free will of another. May I always be mindful that I create my own reality and that I have the power within me to create positivity in my life. May I always act in honorable ways: being honest with myself and others, keeping my word whenever I have given it, fulfilling all responsibilities and commitments I have taken on to the best of my ability. May I always remember that whatever is sent out always returns magnified to the sender. May the Forces of Karma move swiftly to remind me of these spiritual commitments when I have begin to falter from them, and may I use this Karmic feedback to help myself grow and be more attuned to my Inner Pagan Spirit. May I always remain strong and committed to my Spiritual ideals in the face of adversity and negativity. May the Force of my Inner Spirit ground out all malevolence directed my way and transform it into positivity. May my Inner Light shine so strongly that malevolent forces can not even approach my sphere of existence. May I always grow in Inner Wisdom & Understanding. May I see every problem that I face as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually in solving it. May I always act out of Love to all other beings on this Planet - to other humans, to plants, to animals, to minerals, to elementals, to spirits, and to other entities. May I always be mindful that the Goddess and God in all their forms dwell within me and that this divinity is reflected through my own Inner Self, my Pagan Spirit. May I always channel Love and Light from my being. May my Inner Spirit, rather than my ego self, guide all my thoughts, feelings, and actions. So Mote It Be The Craft (witchcraft - NOT to be confused with Satanism. A true witch has nothing to do with this, even though there are some Satanists who (unrightfully) call themselves "witch".) contains a large number of groups with bonds to each other, for the most part, which are looser than those you will find between Christian churches. Each has it's own traditions, it's own beliefs, it's own pantheon, etc. So just WHAT is it that, overall, a witch believes in? The American Council of witches was formed to determine what it was that all witches have in common, belief-wise. In the early 1970's, a paper was released with their findings, and gives a good overall picture of it. The following is the text of that paper. Basic Principles Of The Craft The first principle is that of love, and it is expressed in the ethic, "Do As You Will, So Long As You Harm None" love is not emotional in it's essence, but is an attribute of the individual as expressed in relation to other beings; harming others can be by thought, word, or deed; it is to be understood the "none" includes oneself; the harm which is to be regarded as unethical is gratuitous harm; war, in general, is gratuitous harm, although it is ethical to defend oneself and one's liberty when threatened by real and present danger, such as defense against invasion. The witch must recognize and harmonize with the forces of the universe, in accord with the Law of Polarity: everything is dual; everything has two poles; everything has it's opposite; for every action there is a reaction; all can be categorized as either active or reactive in relation to other things. Godhead is one unique and transcendent wholeness, beyond any limitations or expressions; thus, it is beyond our human capacity to understand and identify with this principle of Cosmic Oneness, except as It is revealed to us in terms of It's attributes and operation. The most basic and meaningful attribute of the One that we, as humans, can relate to and understand, is that of polarity, of action and reaction; therefore witches recognize the Oneness of the Divinity, but worship and relate to the Divine as the archetypal polarity of God and Goddess, the All-Father and the Great Mother of the universe. The Beings are as near as we can approach to the One within our human limitations of understanding and expression, though it is possible to experience the divine Oneness through the practices of the Mysteries. Harmony does not consist of the pretty and the nice, but the balanced, dynamic, poised cooperation and co-relation. The witch must recognize, and operate within the framework of the Law of Cause and Effect; every action has it's reaction, and every effect has it's cause. All things occur according to this law; nothing in the universe can occur outside this law, though we may not always appreciate the relation between a given effect and it's cause. Subsidiary to this is the Law of Three, which states that whatever goes forth must return threefold, whether of good or ill; for our actions affect more than people generally realize, and the resulting reactions are also part of the harvest. As Above, So Below. That which exists in the Macrocosm exists, on a smaller scale and to a lesser degree, in the Microcosm. The powers of the universe exist also in the human, though in general instance they lie dormant. The powers and abilities can be awakened and used if the proper techniques are practiced, and this is why initiates of the Mysteries are sworn to guard the secrets from the unworthy: Much harm can be done by those who have power without responsibility, both to others and to themselves according to the Laws of Cause and Effect and of Threefold Return. Since our philosophy teaches that the universe is the physical manifestation of the Divine, there can be nothing in the universe which does not partake of the nature of the Divine; hence, the powers and attributes of the Divine exist also in the manifest, though to much smaller degree. These powers can be awakened through the various techniques of the Mysteries, and, although they are only capable of small effects in and of themselves, it is possible to use them in order to draw upon the forces of the universe. Thus humanity can be the wielders of the power of the Gods, a channel for Godhead to act within It's own manifestation. This, then, is further reason for the oath of secrecy. Since the universe is the body of the One, possessing the same attributes as the One, it's Laws must be the principles through and by which the One operates. By reasoning from the known to the unknown, one can learn of the Divine, and thus of oneself. Thus the Craft is a natural religion, seeing in Nature the expression and revelation of Divinity. We know that everything in the universe is in movement or vibration and is a function of that vibration. Everything vibrates; all things rise and fall in a tidal system that reflects the motion inherent in the universe and also in the atom. Matter and energy are but two poles of one continuous phenomenon. Therefore the witch celebrates, harmonizes with, and makes use of the tides of the universe and of life as expressed through the cycle of the seasons and the motion of the solar system. These ritual observances are the eight great Festivals of the Year, referred to as the Wheel of the Year. Further, the witch works with the forces and tides of the Moon, for this body is the mediator of much energy to our planet Earth and thus to ourselves. Nothing is dead matter in the universe. All things exist, therefore all things live, though perhaps in a different manner from that which we are used to calling life. In view of this, the witch knows that there is no true death, only change from one condition to another. The universe is the body of Godhead, and therefore possesses one transcendent consciousness; all things partake of the consciousness, in varying levels of trance/awareness. Because of this principle, all things are sacred to the witch, for all partake of the one Life. Therefore the witch is a natural ecologist, for Nature is part of us as we are a part of Nature. Astrology can be useful in marking and interpreting the flow and ebb of the tides of our solar system, and thus of making use of those tides; astrology should not be debased into mere fortune-telling. Throughout the development of the human race, civilizations have seen and worshipped many and various attributes of the Divine. These universal forces have been clothed in forms which were expressive to the worshipper of the attribute of the Godhead which they expressed. Use of these symbolic representations of the natural and divine forces of the universe, or god forms, is a potent method for contacting and utilizing the forces they represent. Thus the Gods are both natural and truly divine, and man-made in that the forms with which they are clothed are products of humanity's striving to know the Godhead. In keeping with the Law of Polarity, these god-forms are brought into harmony by the one great Law which states: All Gods are one God. All Goddesses are one Goddess. There is one Initiator. This law is an expression of our understanding that all of the forces of the universe, by whatever ethnic god-form is chosen to clothe and relate to whichever force, can be resolved into the fundamental polarity of the Godhead, the Great Mother and the All-Father. It is the use of differing god forms, of differing ethnic sources or periods, which is the basis of many of the differences between the various Traditions of the Craft. Each Tradition uses the forms, and thus the names, which to that Tradition best express and awaken an understanding of the force represented, according to the areas of emphasis of the Tradition. Because we know that differing names or representations are but expressions of the same divine principles and forces, we require our members to swear that they will never mock the names by which another honors the Divine, even though those names be different from and seemingly less expressive than the names and god forms used by our Tradition (for to the members of another Tradition, using it's names, ours may easily seem equally less expressive). A witch refuses to allow her/himself to be corrupted by the great guilt neuroses which have been foisted on humanity in the name of the Divine, thus freeing the self of the slavery of the mind. The witch expresses responsibility for her/his actions, and accepts the consequences of them; guilt is rejected as inhibiting to one's self-actualization, and replaced by the efforts of the witch to obey the teachings of harmlessness, responsibility for the consequences of one's actions, and the goal of actualizing the full powers of the individual. We refuse to believe that a human being is born innately sinful, and recognize the concepts of sin and guilt are tremendously inhibiting to the human potential; the consequences of the Law of Cause and Effect, called karma by some, are not punishment, but the recurrences of situations and their effects because the individual as not gained the Wisdom needed to handle or avoid such situations. There is no heaven except that which we ourselves make of our life on Earth, and likewise there is no hell except the effects of our unwise actions. Death is not followed by punishment or reward, but by life and the continuing evolution of the human potential. One cannot damn the divine in oneself; one can, however, cut oneself off from it through the rejection of wisdom and a refusal to strive for self-realization. This cutting off does not lead to personal suffering in "hell", for there is no Self to suffer if the tie to one's own divinity has been severed; what remains is merely an empty shell, a "personality" or thought-form devoid of it's ensouling Spark of the Divine Fire. We know of the existence of the life-force which ensouls all living things, that is, all that exists. We know that a spark of this Divine Fire is within each and every thing that exists, and that it does not die; only the form of it's existence changes. We know that this spark of the life-force returns to manifestation again and again in order to fully realize and actualize it's potential, evolving finally to the peak and essence of existence which is pure being. In this process of reincarnation each form returns in the same type of form, though it's ever-increasing actualization may lead to higher levels of existence of that form. Man returns as man, cat as feline, mineral as mineral, each class of form evolving as the individual forms of that class evolve. This process of evolution through successive incarnations in manifest form works through the utilization of wisdom gained, the essence of the life-experience. This essence of experience, or Wisdom, is an attribute of the spark of life itself, one and inseparable (see 9a). We must care for the body, for it is the vehicle of the spark of life, the form by which we attain. Thus we must heal the body of it's ills and keep it a tuned and perfected tool; so must we heal others (both physically and psychologically) as far as it is within our power to do so. However, we cannot interfere with the life of another, even to heal, except at their request or with their express permission; unless such non-interference would be inhibiting to our own, ethical existence and development - and even then the responsibilities and consequences must be understood and accepted. This, then, is one of the important reasons for the communal life the witches under the guidance of the Priesthood: That the group may be guided by wisdom and experience, with the aid and support of one's peers; and that one's actions may be guided by the influence of the ethical life of the group as a whole. Harmony with, and utilization of, the great natural forces of the universe is called magick. By magick we speak, not of the supernatural, but of the superbly natural, but whose laws and applications are not as yet recognized by the scientific establishment. The witch must strive to recognize these forces, learn their laws, attune her/himself to them, and make use of them. The witch must also be aware that power corrupts when used only for the gains of the self, and therefore must strive to serve humanity: Either through the service in the Priesthood, or by example and effects of his/her life on others. The choice must be made in accord with the true nature of the witch.
Nessa, I'm an atheist, but i have so much respect for pagans. Paganism is a natural religion, based on the earth, a respect for others (not just people, but all living things), and all the other things that you have so beautifully enumerated in the above posts. Hope you don't have any blisters on those fast fingers. lol regards, kookoo
Pagan? Maybe we are. I am a son of the earth and she is a doaughter or the earth and sky. Her spirit guide is the Wolf mine are the Owl and Bear. The spirit of Mother earth and Father Raven of the sky and the animals we talk to help us live. God or what ever great spirit you want to call him or her guides us through our animal friends. Our spirit is not influenced by words on paper , we ae guided by opur hearts and what the guides tell us.Sun Su the chinese warrior of mind and spirit and war is a great guide to life.Love, Life .Spirit, SensualitY.and yes sex, are part of the spiritual Mystic life force in the universe. I WATCH THE FLAMES OF THE HEAVENS AND SEE THE CREATOR AT WORK I SEE MAN IN HIS ATTEMPT TO BECOME A CREATOR , AND ALWAYS FALLING SHORT I AM THE KEEPER OF MY FLAME SHARING ITS LIGHT AND WARMTH WITH THOSE WHO COME AS FRIENDS AND LOVERS LIKEWISE MY MATE LOVE OF ME, WHO TICKS WHEN I TOCK, THE ROCK OF MY STABILITY. WE LOVE AND ARE LOVED AND IF YOU COME INTO OUR LIVES YOU ARE ACCEPTED. IF YOU MEAN US HARM YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE FURY YOU WILL INVOKE NOR THE PAIN THAT OUR SPIRIT FRIENDS WILL INFLICT ON YOU . WE ARE LOVERS BUT NEVER MISTAKE THAT FOR WEAKNESS. WE ALSO POSESS THE SOUL OF WARRIORS. RWS
Hi there No you aren't the only ones. There are many of us here ;)
There are more ;) Time for the pagans to come out and meet each other Hug
Well, I'll be switched (no pun intended...ah hell, sure it was intended LOL). We're Pagan as well. Thought there would be more of us here though... Karen Hug
Well, I'll be switched (no pun intended...ah hell, sure it was intended LOL). We're Pagan as well. Thought there would be more of us here though... Karen Hug
Hello everyone, I am very interested and feel I am pagan, but yet know so little about it. Love to know more.
Greetings and Blessings to all who are here. In the style of my family trad the old greeting of, "Where is your heart" is extended to all. Hopefully as I travel I may have the good fortune top meet some of you. Should any of you plan on being in KY in the near future let me know and we can meet and greet for food, friendship and what ever else may happen. Rich Hug
Blessed Be! L oving the feelings that are generated here by all, but especially the little extra somethings that are given by those of "alternate religions". I love all of you, and am sooo incredibly happy to be part of such a wonderfully open (and open-armed) community of Pagans, Neo-pagans and W itches! Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again! Kisses
As my wife, who is on the Feri path, it all starts and ends with sex. As a druid myself, I am coming to realize that I must accept my sexual power and use it for its highest purpose. When we embrace our sexuality, as opposed to hiding from it, we keep it in the light and out of the shadow. Here we can manifest that which we need to provide for ourselves and our clan! Walk With Wisdom, Ailim /| aka Snowdog12
Blessed Be! We love being members of the BP family where everyone is so open to religions beyond the main stream...Hug
What a pleasure to find this forum! I am a Christian but have known and appreciated pagan friends and the way that infuses their life. They have been closer to the Christ I follow then most of my Christian friends. To be honest I have met others that have had the opposite affect (there are phonies and the lost in any faith) but still I recognize value and respect many of the core beliefs. I hope I have a chance to be friends with some of you in the future.
Are there any Pagan Churches based on the Male body? or Cock?
Nice to finally meet another Pagan here...
Paganism on Bisexual PlaygroundPaganism on Bisexual PlaygroundPaganism on Bisexual PlaygroundPaganism on Bisexual Playground

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