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  3. Redheads
Red and shaved here. Been shaving my red pubes since about 1981. Redheads look so much better shaved smooth because the stubble nearly matches the skin tone and you can hardly notice it regrowing unlike brunettes. Much more of a natural look for redheads to be shaved.
I Love "Redheads" be it a male or female... Yum, yum... Wink
Cute young redheads with freckles & glasses. My dream come true. Yeah!!!
gotta love firebush
Redhead women rule the planet. It's the natural order of things.
Lol,red heads,let me think here.1rst of all they are horny.They love cock.They like sharing sex too,damn them!Now tell me if I'm wrong,but is most redheads demanding?Their way or the highway?I know that all redheads like to have sex.Never met 1 that didn't.they are trulley sexual.horny as heck Ready for us all
I want to fuck anybody who worships red heads. I want my man to fuck one { me and as many others as we can find!} Come check me out and see if you want to fuck me!:-P
Im a redhead. Well, my pubes are. :)
I have red pubic hair. Seems like a couple would want me.
Redheads with green eyes
Any redheads in the Sacramento are wanna get together with us? F only
Red heads with Blue Blue eyes. Love U my red head Cunt.
Im a redhead with blue eyes,I too love Redheads,I think they are more horny than most guys!
I love a red hair pussy thick and long covered in cum
Our absolute favorite! Kiss
Are there any red heads out there willing to post- would love to see some fire bush
Redheads on Bisexual PlaygroundRedheads on Bisexual PlaygroundRedheads on Bisexual PlaygroundRedheads on Bisexual Playground

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