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  3. Smooth Nudists
I loves smoothies, always seeking friends who are also interested in smooth bi boys and girls.:-P
Count me in! I've been smooth since I was a teenager... long before shaving completely smooth was fashionable for men! Ben
I too have been shaving since teenage (19), long before shaving became popular. Can't even be with another who doesn't shave. Even nicer when the two can share the activity!
I've been shaving off and on since college, but since last June, I've pretty much been smooth the entire time. The main reason I've been able to stay shaved is thanks to newer electric shavers like the Seiko Cleancut, which keeps away the ingrowns and bumps I always used to get. It's nice to see technology helping to make lives just a little kinkier.
I never thought I would but one night I just went a head and shaved my balls and trimmed the rest of my pubic hair and WOW I got so horny. Been doing it ever since.:)
I keep my pubic area clean and shaved smooth and enjoy going down on a nice hard throbbing cock Blowjob or pussy :-P of someone that also does...Yummy!!! :)
An ass smoothie is when you use a blender to create a smoothie drink (bananas, oranges, etc) or when you buy a smoothie drink at the store and have another person pour the contents into your ass (either by prying your ass open) or by injecting the contents into your own ass using a baster.....then letting the contents sit inside your ass.....then forcing it out into a glass. Then drinking it of course.
i have been shaving completely smooth for about 4 years now . i shave my cock,balls,ass,and stomache. i love being all-natural Wink
Understand about the being smooth. Growing up I was made fun of of being the "carrot top" so I started disliking my hair. I shaved almost soon as I got it, all except head... full there. Funny how quick one gets used to the look. Now is normal to me and think I would look odd with body hair.
YEP.....much prefer SMOOTH here just FEELS so much more erotic when I feel the breeze on my balls and ass (I never wear underwear under clothes anymore).
Smooth Nudists on Bisexual PlaygroundSmooth Nudists on Bisexual PlaygroundSmooth Nudists on Bisexual PlaygroundSmooth Nudists on Bisexual Playground

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