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  3. Underwear
I have to admit, I'm a bit of an underwear freak. For a guy, I have a lot of underwear. Everything from boxers to briefs to thongs. I have a couple of backless pouches and even an Erector Brief by King Style. I've got a leather thong with velcro sides. Rips right off. Of course, I also like to go without!
While I prefer not wearing any underwear for the most part. I have to admit that I enjoy wearing various styles of underwear from time to time. Guess you can say i go with the flow and what mood I'm in at the time. However, I prefer wearing thong underwear to boxers or jockeys when I do...
I have a strong fetish for tighty whigties men in thier white full-cut or low rise briefs both fly-front and Y-front. I just can't git enough of it!Hug
Big underwear fetish here...the skimpier & tighter the better!
Smoking hot photo! thanks!
Underwear on Bisexual PlaygroundUnderwear on Bisexual PlaygroundUnderwear on Bisexual PlaygroundUnderwear on Bisexual Playground

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