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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. World Wrestling Entertainment/WWE
My boyfriend re-introduced me to WWE Raw/Smackdown. I have a major thing for Edge;all I want is one weekend alone with him in various positions..I get horny just looking at him. :-P
Hell, I'm straight and I would do edge. He is so awesome... I know lots of people who are really into John Cena and Randy Orton also. Edge is def great though... Good Choice
I have been hooked on watching professional wrestling for several years now as some of the guys look really hot. I also enjoy watching the Diva's...Blowjob :-P
World Wrestling Entertainment/WWE on Bisexual PlaygroundWorld Wrestling Entertainment/WWE on Bisexual PlaygroundWorld Wrestling Entertainment/WWE on Bisexual PlaygroundWorld Wrestling Entertainment/WWE on Bisexual Playground

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