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  3. Bukkake
Bukkake makes me hungry! I want to clean up a bukkake scene! I hate to see all that hot cum wasted! I get hungry seeing semen all over a lady's face! Ben
I haven't had the pleasure yet, but it sure sounds exciting. Maybe someone reading this could join me. I think it will be a blast.:-D:-P
Wouldn't mind being on the receiving end ! :-D
In LA and ready for a total coating of cum. Hit me up if you think I'll make a good target.Kiss
i am an avid fan of bukkake, nothing sexier than a woman lost in lust and passion by the feel taste and hunger for cum Kiss and Hugs
Have never had the experience but am anxious to have 5 or 6 guys completely empty themselves on my face
Would love to suck off 4 or 5 guys have have them drain their balls all over my face,
any one in AZ wanna get on going?
never had it but it is a turn on....
My wife wants to get a bukkake going. She says its just something she wants to try, so if anyone near Pittsburgh is interested- e-mail me. Please clean friendly people only.
im up for recieving bukkake in London
Would love a messy face of gooey cum! would love to have a room full of hung cock squirt all over my face! Lets do it!
I agree with J N J BicoupleNY945 I want to be a Gay Cum Dump for Big Black Cocks
I would love a whole room full of men cumming on my face and in my mouth.
Hi, I'm a CD who for some 7 years has fantisized having many men cum all over my Face and experience a gooey and messy bukkake. I love the thought of every part of my face and part of my dress and hair being drenched in sweet tasting cum. I live in Orange County in SoCal. A very real dream to live out. The whiter and thicker the cum, the better. Julieanne
Hi all I live in york pa and i am a crossdresser. I have always loved watching girls on the internet getting drenched and covered in cum. I'd love to be covered in cum and have my mouth full of it from as many guys as possible. Please msg me if interested
What a sexually stimulating fantasy. 4,5,6 or 10 guys spraying cum on my face whilst I hold and jo two cocks. Want this a lot. And suck two hard cocks atvthe samectime. Lots of guys to choose two at a time. Come one cum all.
So many cool things to possibly do but so little interest.. sigh.. Metro Phx, anyone?:)
if u like male and female yes .... kinky
Sounds like a great time anyone one in northern or central VA have a group that needs service?
cum all over me rub it in make me taste it
Would like to find one in Maryland where they would full my mouth
Couples in Florida West Coast Pasco County
My daddy in two of his friends last night jack off on my face and it made me hold my eyes open so they could come in them, it was so sexy I want them to take pictures next time
I love sucking cocks, and then having them cum all over my face to have five or six or more guys come all over me at once that would be such a great night more cum the better
Biman that is very willing to service any one or groups in East Tennessee that want to make me the receiver of all they're cum Just make me the dumpster.
Bukkake on Bisexual PlaygroundBukkake on Bisexual PlaygroundBukkake on Bisexual PlaygroundBukkake on Bisexual Playground

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