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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Chastity Devices
I'd like to hear from any males who either wear or have worn - or felales who are or were keyholders for a male chastity device - specifically a cb-2000 - a gf of mine thinks i masturbate too much (can you believe that?) and would love to give me a present of the device - what do you think? outside of the Domme/sub implications, of course -
I have just posted pics of my boyfriend in his cb2000.... his dick belongs to me... he has no use for it unless he is with me.. therefore I hold the key to any and all pleasures :)
My wife has me in a PA5000 made for a Prince Albert Piercing, drives me crazy i cant j/o.
Been in a CB-6000s now for 7 month
Mistress has me in a chastity device because I cummi without permission
I have worn a CB3000 and also a Holy Trainer, the CB 3000 pinched and was uncomfortable and same with Holy trainer. Since I was looking inescapable long term chastity Mistress and I settled on the Mature Metal Bird Cage, and after several attempts we finally got the perfect fit. It is stainless steel, heavy, inescapable and comfortable. We also ordered with an extra long punishment pin and double base ring. An erection is impossible.
Chastity Devices on Bisexual PlaygroundChastity Devices on Bisexual PlaygroundChastity Devices on Bisexual PlaygroundChastity Devices on Bisexual Playground

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