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  1. BisexualPlayground
  2. Interests
  3. Classic Rock & Roll
Growing up a teenager in the 70's, my musical taste was influenced by the era with diverse musicians ranging from Aerosmith to Zappa. More than that, I was fortunate enough to have seen some amazing live concerts, before the industry became commercialized & sponsored, when concerts didn't end at 11 sharp and ticket prices were affordable. I remember a scrawny Bruce Springsteen, being so close I could see the sweat pouring down his face ; Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Queen, The Stones, Frank Zappa wearing a Montreal Canadiens shirt sitting on the edge of the stage and just jamming, The Eagles, David Bowie, Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, ELP, The Moody Blues, Steely Dan, ELO, Supertramp, The Police, Styx, Genesis (before there were 3), and countless others. So for all you Led Zeppelin, Beatles, The Who, Van Morrison, The Band, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, etc. fans, share your favorites – let's take a stroll down gulp, 'memory lane'. :)
My life took off in the 1950s when my 8 transistor radio blasted a new a record from a young guy outta Lubboc, Tex named Buddy Holly "That'll be the day" It literally changed my life. I got involved with doing sound with my R n R friends, and eventually became a backline tech. I was with several production crews in the SF bay area,. I still work the R N R stages here in LosAngeles rock on, dudes :-D
I missCCR so much that was the band that really got me started or how about Deep Purple wow great music fromthe past:-P
We feel jipped i was born too late for the rock explosion but we love it just the same
We feel jipped i was born too late for the rock explosion but we love it just the same
KissLaughing;):-P|8B:|:):-DFlo werHug
Just give us that Ole Time Rock and Roll Music...
Classic Rock & Roll on Bisexual PlaygroundClassic Rock & Roll on Bisexual PlaygroundClassic Rock & Roll on Bisexual PlaygroundClassic Rock & Roll on Bisexual Playground

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