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  3. Deep Kissing
I love kissing period thats the bottom line! :)Flower
Kissing is the whole basis of lovemaking, you cannot make love or have head splitting sex without some hard core, rock your insides, deep kissing. I love it, absolutely insist on it!Kiss
We fully agree! Kissing is great!!!KissHugFlower
i love kissing...especially with someone else who loves kissing....long wet deep kissing with one who also loves it is a wonderful beginning and "in process" of some intense sexual bliss! truly, amber (man or woman or both!!)
Kiss oh my kissing and huggingHug r the best i love to show affection !! to me if u cant kiss and hug why get involved of course deep kissing iswnt just for the mouth !! u know what i mean !!!
NEVER CAN GET ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!! Kiss:-P
I love kissing men and women
I love slow wet French kissing total turn on for me
Deep Kissing on Bisexual PlaygroundDeep Kissing on Bisexual PlaygroundDeep Kissing on Bisexual PlaygroundDeep Kissing on Bisexual Playground

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