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  1. BisexualPlayground
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  3. Group Sex
My first group sex experience was when I was in the Navy and was stationed on a ship homeported in New Zealand ten of us sailors rented a flat in St.Georges Street in Dunedin. There were only 2 beds so most nights there were six to ten cpls Fuckiing in the living room in a drunken orgy Laughing
My first group sex experience was when I was in the Navy and was stationed on a ship homeported in New Zealand (1967) ten of us sailors rented a flat in St.George's Street in Dunedin. There were only 2 beds so most nights there were six to ten cpls Sexing in the living room in a drunken orgy Laughing you loose your shyness when you smell all the sex in the air wooo hoooooooo!
Look how many St. Louis area folks are interested in Group Sex. I say we do it!
love group sex i get alot of nice hot sex, sucking and fucking men and women. love it always ready for moreKiss:-P
I love group fucking. It's great when you're the only woman with a bunch of men
after 2 days of looking on-line for some way to find orgies this is the closest i came. does any one have any idea how to find out where they are or who to talk to to participate in a group setting
I hope some day I could be in a pile of pleasure!
I am interested in the BBC Lifestyle. I would love to be the only white male in a group of Black men. four or more Black men, giving them oral pleasure to their beautiful hard cocks.
This is great fun and very exciting... Here, you not only get to have all the hard thobbing cock's you desire and the ability to suck on each one of them, but you have the chance of them taking turns fucking your ass time and again. As one guy fills your ass with his cum and pulls out another one can take his place and enter your ass. All the while you can be sucking on another cock... What more can a guy want?..
group sex never did but i will as soon as possible
OUR First Attempt At Group Sex Together As A Couple Didn't Work Out All That Well, , , , , Hell, It Was A Disaster! A room full of overly zealous drunks that couldn't get it up if their life depended on it........ WE certainly learned a lot that night. #1 'Tequila Courage Shots' Are NOT A GOOD THING! And More Is Not Nesserly Better...... WE'VE Got It Down Pat Now & With The Right Peeps & Everybody On The Same Page Group Sex Can Be Pronominal!:):-P;)
any couples interested in a group fuck session say 2 wkemd of Feb 2012- min 4/5 couples?
I would love this. Anyone in California
would love to host and eat kitty as my ass gets fucked mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iowa
love it
Group Sex on Bisexual PlaygroundGroup Sex on Bisexual PlaygroundGroup Sex on Bisexual PlaygroundGroup Sex on Bisexual Playground

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