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  3. Nudist Families
We have always held the belief that the human body is beautiful and whenever we have the opportunity prefer to shed our clothes as we go about our daily routine. Having raised our children around other nudist they now share our beliefs as adults...HugKissFlower
Looking for friends in the Central Pa. area with similar interests.Hug
we're looking for the same
We have was believed that nudity is both healthy to the body and healthy to the mind. It reduces the stigma that viewing the nude human body is dirty rather than beautiful. We came into this world naked and shouldn't be restricted by the little minds of the few that have imposed their views on so many. We believe by reducing the erotic element of nudity that we also reduce sexual assault ( this may or may not be true as there been no research) but do believe it provides for a healthy mind. Our children have been raised in the lifestyle and their children are being raised in it too. We would love to hear your comments and views!
As a single dad, raised my son in the lifestyle. He is the most balanced person I know. Growing up he wasn’t chasing after porn like his friends, he’d seen the real thing and has always known that people are not perfect and that is the way it should be. Love to hear from other single parent nudists
when I was in high school the next-door neighbors were nudists I liked to go with my friend the son who was my age (16) to visit and i loved to see his older sister she was a year older than me and a bit chubby but absolutely a sexpot her mom was not bad either and dad was hung so I had a nice time there and I learned not to get an undesired stiffy. I never had sexual relations with them but I did a lot of ogling
Would like to meet like minded friends and families in the Iowa/Illinois area!!!!
Nudist Families on Bisexual PlaygroundNudist Families on Bisexual PlaygroundNudist Families on Bisexual PlaygroundNudist Families on Bisexual Playground

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