mine2c2I think this topic is for those times when "kissing cousins" didn't fulfill the desires of an attraction between two people that discover they are intensely fond of each other, but, as our presant society finds the "first cousin" genetically too close to one another and fears of birth defects etc.which may inhibit many potentially wonderfull couplings between hearts.
I have a passion for my cousin on my mothers side, first cousin, we were (at least I was) inthralled with, captivated by and got mega horny whenever our families got together. We did get to spend a few wonderfull weeks together after we grew up, enjoyed the intense built up sexual energy we kept locked up inside for many years, but, as we realized our mothers would never understand it, we agreed to continue having our feelings for each other and if the occaision arose again (I always did ;) ) we would enjoy fucking and sucking each others brains out for whatever time we could and know that we thought of and missed each other often and very fondly.