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Taxi Gay Driver Having Sex

Taxi Gay Driver Having Sex on Bisexual PlaygroundTaxi Gay Driver Having Sex on Bisexual Playground
I drive a taxi in the daytime...its a great place to fuck. Bisexual hispanic man
I like someone that enjoys going dancing & working out.. I am a bit aggressive. I will tell you the truth and I like compliments as long as it's not a line. I will hail my own taxi and prefer to do things myself. I like the colors purple & red. My pet peeve is people who don't their blinker. That's about it for now.
I'm 5'7". I have long red hair with blue green eyes. I am a 40D and yes they are real. I am Bisexual. I am a easy going person at is a little shy. I am Married to a Truck Driver and I travel with him. He is 5'9". He got long brown with blue eyes. He is Straight. He is very out going and can be every up front about thing. He is a Truck Driver. We travel all 48 states. This more for me then him. He will join in if you want him to if not that is okay. As long as he watches us have fun together. I am looking for ladies all over the US to play with. No strings attached or friends with benefits. Must be DD free. I am not looking pillow queen or a pillow princess.
We are open to new experiences and people. We enjoy life to the fullest when ever possible. We don't believe in lying or keeping secrets. John is an Over The Road Truck Driver and I expect to join him as his Co-driver in 2 years, so we travel all over the USA. We believe in keeping ourselves clean and well groomed and expect others who are around us to do the same. And John is a kind and loving and caring man who does not believe in men hitting women for any reason. He is my pooh bear but with Dragon's qualities as well. I love to cuddle and kiss. I am kind hearted but can be wild when i get in the mood. I like to read and dont care for shopping much. I like lots of music
We are a couple with a bisexual male and heteroflexible/curious female. We are well educated, interested in health and personal development. Our male component loves women! He knows that pleasing her will get him what he wants. His primary Bi interest is oral, but does enjoy anal from time to time (switch). Our female is primarily hetero, but very flexible and interested in finding out if she can develop her bi side. She is the driver to kink. He is the driver to Bi. Both are switches in kink. He usually tops in kink, and she most often bottoms. Together and in the kink scene for 7 years, and playing in lifesyle for much longer. We are looking for a couple with similar interests, for dating with the potential of being fluid bonded.
i am a driver looking to have some fun if you want hit me up
A man reached over and tapped the taxi driver on the shoulder. Out of the blue the taxi driver let out a blood curdling scream, just missed hitting a bus, and ran off the road.

The passenger very visibly shaken yelled at the taxi driver. "Why in the hell did you do that?"

The taxi driver also clearly upset and still quaking said "Mr. you've got to understand this is my first day on the job as a taxi driver. For 30 years I drove a van for a funeral home!"
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the sidewalk and stopped inches from a packed sidewalk coffee shop, as startled patrons scrambled for safety.

For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, "Look lady, don't ever do that again. You scared the crap out of me!"

The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much."

The driver replied, "It's okay, it's not really your fault..... Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a funeral hearse for the last 25 years."

Be Happy
D i c k
A middle-aged man returns home from a business trip a day early, concerned that his wife may be having an affair. He's riding in a taxi at about 2:00 in the morning back towards his house, when he explains his situation to the taxi driver.

It's after midnight. While en route home he asks the cabby if he would be a witness.

He explains to the cabbie that he suspects his wife is sleeping around on him, and offers the him $50 if he would be a witness to the affair, if he could catch her in bed with him. By the time they reach his house, the cabbie agrees.

They park a few doors down and, quietly, sneak into the front door and up the stairs. Then, with a burst of speed, the husband flicks on the bedroom lights and rips the blanket off the bed – and there his wife lies in bed with another man!

Out of his coat pocket, the visibly distraught husband pulls out a gun and puts it to the man's head. Just then, his wife yells "Don't do it! I lied when I told you I inherited all that money!…"

- HE paid for the Mercedes I gave you.

- HE paid for our new cabin in the mountains.

- HE paid for your Atlanta Braves season tickets.

- HE paid for our our lakehouse and boat.

- HE paid for your country club membership,
and and HE even pays the monthly dues!'

Shaking his head, unsure of whether to pull the trigger,
he looks over at the taxi driver and asks "What should I do?"

The taxi driver replies, "I'd cover him with that blanket before he catches a cold."

Be Happy
D i c k:)
Are you still friends with this person? I would love to play the role of the taxi driver. I probably would have jacked my cock too.
You know how when you are trying to go to sleep, and your mind is on this runaway train track that keeps you awake? I was lying there, and it occurred to me, one of us could get into a Taxi, while in Vegas, and make the next HBO special. That would be so funny. I wondered then, how many of us would tell our sorted details to a cab driver and then actually sign a consent form to let it air on TV. Hummm am I really that nuts? I could only imagine the shock of certain family members. (That made me smile with a sense of devilish glee. Laughing ) Then I realized that THEY wouldn't be watching HBO's Taxi Cab Confessions anyway...or would they? Maybe they have sorted details of their lives they aren't telling me... Now that puts me on a completely different train of thought...awwgggg NOW I WILL NEVER GET TO SLEEP :|
A guy and his date are parked out in the country away from town, when they start kissing and fondling each other. Just then, the girl stops and sits up. “What’s the matter?” asks the guy. She replies, “I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I’m actually a prostitute, and I charge $100 for sex.” The man thinks about it for a few seconds, but then reluctantly gets out a $100 bill, pays her, and they have sex.

After a cigarette, he just sits in the driver’s seat looking out the window. “Why aren’t we going anywhere?” asks the girl. “Well, I should have mentioned this before,” replies the man, “but I’m actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $50.


Sucking Dick At Highway Rest Areas
im a truck driver and I run Va to ME if anyone would like to meat up with me mikencarol (Im Mike LOL) and myCo driver Braden35 let us know .! We love sex. and need it been in the truck all week. :-D:-PHug
Truck Driver
She is a Truck Driver
She is A truck driver
OTR driver looking for fun people
Cum Eaters
OTR driver 50y/o bim looking to suck and swallow cum
Im otr driver Looking for other drivers for oral fun


You guys are doing an awesome job with this site. What a great concept! Hope to chat sometime!