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  3. Beer
do I hear Great Lakes Beer
AMERICAN PALE ALE Ingredients: 9.0 lbs US 2-row pale malt (Breiss) 1.0 lb. crystal malt (combo of British 50L, US 40L, Special B) 0.5 lb US dextrin malt 27-32 IBU from Goldings (bitterness) 0.5 oz Cascade or Goldings (flavor) 0.5-1.0 oz Cascade or Goldings (aroma) 0.5-1.0 oz Cascade or Goldings (dry-hop) 1 tsp rehydrated Irish moss Wyeast Irish 1084 repitched gelatin finings Procedure: Mash: 1.5 qts. per pound total water 90 min @ 152F. Boil 90 minutes. 1 week primary, 2-week secondary, one of which is for dry-hopping. Add geltin finings 2 days before kegging.
Beer on Bisexual PlaygroundBeer on Bisexual PlaygroundBeer on Bisexual PlaygroundBeer on Bisexual Playground

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