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  1. BisexualPlayground
  2. Interests
  3. Gentle Bondage
Mmm...nothing quite like being restrained and allowing someone to have their way with you...consenting of course!
Not into heavy duty bondage but I would like to be tied up with silk scarves and my body licked all over and do the same for the other person! Cool eh? LOLKiss
Hey Sweetness, Be Assured, YOUR wish "Will Be Fulfilled!":) YOU Can Count On It, & Soon:)& YOU Will Be HAPPY:):-P:):-P:):-P:):-P:):-P :-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P
Im ready in FLORIDA
Gentle Bondage on Bisexual PlaygroundGentle Bondage on Bisexual PlaygroundGentle Bondage on Bisexual PlaygroundGentle Bondage on Bisexual Playground

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