mine2c2I "STRONGLY!!!" reccomend ANY couples that seek a "third" partner (especially a Male!) , SPECIFY and ADHERE to a "DO NOT MEET ALONE OR SEPERATELY" restriction. It should be agreed and understood by both persons in the "couple" and any attempt or request for "OUTSIDE or SEPERATE" activity should be immediately shared with your couple partner. The lack of this stipulation and aggreement, resulted in a lowlife (I'm certain not the first or last) dirtbag we included in a "threeway", approaching my partner for "alone/seperately from the threeway" sex and has devastated our once wonderfull relationship. This person insists he was only trying to be "friends" because he has none ( I don't wonder why) and the fact that he took it upon his selfcentered self to make a connection outside the "three" of us, demonstrates, his lack of concern for the original relationship he was "invited" to "share". Worse yet, is he is "IN" a failing marriage and it seems he "found" a "sexual saftey net" in the "outside", "friend", by "using" my partner. Trying to point these things out (as one might guess) are trivialized as "jealousy" and "childish" but, my true desire to protect my partner from a shifty "user" is lost on her presant feelings that are not as widely scoped. Without this becomming an angry rant my suggestion is well intentioned and should be concidered sincerely. Wish it hadn't happened but, it may not have to be your experience. Play Carefully! AND COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PARTNER!!!