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  3. Three Hole Penetration
If anyone does this around my area please email me b/c I want to watch... 1 hole with 3 things in it. DAMN!!
We've had 2n1 in 2! Luvd it, had to werk up 2 it gently, but watta multiple for me!! He actually kept 2 guys going hot and hard 4 me to gettRdone!Hug|8B
I would Love to be able to have three guys filling my mouth, pussy, and ass at the same. I find this to be not only exciting, but super not...HugKiss
Did this with an ex gf, we did our best to keep up with her. What a dynamo
If I only had a 3rd hole...... love one at each end tho... anyone interested drop me a line in NJ
I've had 3 men at once on 2 occasions, the 1st time the guys each picked a hole & went to town and that was it. It was amazing, but also a major disappointment for me. The second time I specified exactly what I wanted & got it. All 3 men got a shot in all 3 holes, and in between, on the "down time" I had 3 mouths pleasuring my tits and pussy. That was one helluva a long night. From now on, if I am taking on 3 cocks at once, that's the way it's going to be done. mmm mmm good!
any guys straight or bi, near Indianapolis,( who wouldn't mind that I'm a bigger girl), interested in getting a room & filling me up....get in touch ;)
In my opinion, it is the ultimate of my sexual experiences so far ??!!HugKiss
Three Hole Penetration on Bisexual PlaygroundThree Hole Penetration on Bisexual PlaygroundThree Hole Penetration on Bisexual PlaygroundThree Hole Penetration on Bisexual Playground

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