CougarISO2Cubsell Check
Spell Check
My fantasy...I arrived at the hotel bar a full hour before Jeff & James were supposed to meet me there. Since this was my first threesome, I was both nervous and excited. Alternatively, my nipples were hardening while my damp pussy tingled in anticipation. I ordered a and quenched my dry mouth while savoring my body's growing responsiveness to my recent decision to turn my long awaited fantasy into reality.
My pulse was racing slightly while pictures of threesome sexual positions swirled in my head. Even my fingertips were overly sensitive as I slowly drank from the wine glass and absently both the stem and rim ever so lightly.
Our conversation was brief, light, and warm. We were three consenting adults - one older woman and two younger men - on a joint pleasure mission and it didn't take long for the three of us to agree that we should move upstairs to the room I had rented earlier. It was a gamble renting the room before we had even met but as a lady poker player adept at reading men between the lines, I already knew from our emails that the odds were great that we would be making final table that evening.
The first kiss proved and as I pulled Jeff into my arms and pressed my body tightly and my lips softly his, James pressed his body tightly into me from behind, slowly lifting my hair and kissing the back my neck. I turned my head around toward James, glancing over my shoulder and I could see James and Jeff's eyes locked onto each other and then they both tuned towards me and smiled.
I rotated around then to taste James mouth and I felt Jeff press into me and kiss my neck from behind as James had just done. Breaking the kiss with James, I eased out from between the two of them and turned them slightly to face each other. I guided their heads together, kissing their cheeks in passing and as they kissed each other, I flattened one hand on crotch and the other on Jeff's crotch so that I could feel them harden under my palms as they kissed and their heightened...