supergirl515 | Um...well, I'm Ashley, I'm a nineteen year old Latina. My dad was born in Puerto Rico, but my mom's from Massachusetts. I define myself as bisexual, but I tend to lean more to the lesbian side. I'm still a virgin, but I have had oral sex (given and received to both genders) and I've been fingered by a couple of girls. I'm really nice, and people say I'm funny. The only problem is that I procrastinate on everything. Well, I can't think of anything else to say. Later! |
exclusivek | im 21 puerto rican and i am looking to be part of an orgy of all bi or lesbian woman in springfield massachusetts. have to all be ladies and be sexy and not fat big ass it doesnt really matter and definitely nice tits dont matter if big or small. im looking to feel good like being high up in the planets lol. get at me and let me know ok. would love to lick on some wet yummy pussy mmmmmm...and put my pussy against their ass and rub my clit on their pussy. damn im so horny for a sexy asss and tities and pussy!!! |
bobby5395 | 25 m and 24 f massachusetts |
alittlebitofthat | I'm in Massachusetts, |
Candybear88 | Names mel 31 f Massachusetts want kno more hmu |
ad4pb | I don't know yet...I have had anal sex from and woman and loved it. I am not sure if I can go the other way yet. My last relatioship was with a lesbian and I would love to have another lesbian or a lesbian couple. I really enjoyed her with her strap-on and she said I was one of the best between her legs. I am trying to discover who I am now and what I want |
bluegirl1971M | Not sure how much this will apply but family law is a state by state (and I assume province by province issue) but in Massachusetts Gay/Lesbian couples can marry and adopt each other's children. They can also adopt other children (and it is illegal for adoption agencies to discriminate against Gay/Lesbian couples) Which is why Catholic Charities no longer does adoptions in Massachusetts. Doesn't answer your question, so let me continue, even in Massachusetts there is absolutely no provision in law for more than 2 parents. And given that one of the arguments against gay marriage was that if you let gays/lesbians marry then the next thing you know 3 or more people will want to get married it is unlikely that that will change anytime soon. One other thing in most states, the husband of the woman at the time of a child's birth is considered the legal father, and even if DNA shows that is not the true biology, he is still legally the father. There may be things you can do using contract law and such but you would need to work with an attorney familiar with family law |
charredxburnie | Not that I want to try to make your post all about me nor do I want to make light of your respondant's insensitivity, but...for me this has been very enlightening thread. You see for many years, ever since The Phrank (lesbian folk singer, San Francisco) concert at the Vancouver Folk Music festival many years ago I have wanted to be a lesbian. Yes, between songs, Phrank listed the qualities of a good lesbian and, inspired, I stood up and announced...."I'm a lesbian"!!! but ImediateIy, I was told by thousands that I was not and could never be a lesbian because I'm a man. I could never be a lesbian. I could never be a lesbian...until today. (I'm fighting back tears) Oh, and you're way hot darlin. |
Lionessa | I think it's time to bring this back up. I have been getting emails from guys again who say they are lesbian. I just ignore them because I figure they are a waste of time. If they lie outright like that, then chances are the rest of their profile is a lie too. I want to know why do guys do this? What does it take for some of these guys to understand that unless you have a vagina you cannot be a lesbian? You have to have the right equipment to be a lesbian. The same for a woman claiming to be gay. She has to have the right equipment as well. What's done in private no one cares (or shouldn't anyway) But don't come on a site like this where members know you are not a lesbian and expect to make an immediate connection. Be open and honest and you will have better luck!! Crushed I bet max would look real cute. |
iwmutualcocksucking | anyone interested in mutual oral leading to mutual anal sex or any order mutual oral or mutual anal or both!! big cocks wanted!! big cummers! in massachusetts, for in the Massachusetts area or near by states! |
chillywilly | My ex-roommate, Marge was a lesbian lawyer and gay rights activist in the Los Angeles Community. She and I shared a home in L.A. and Tacoma, Wa. She had been married and had 2 girls before she realized she was a Lesbian, and most of her lesbian friends were also mothers so they must have had a man in their lives at some point. So the notion of a woman never having sex with a man is very un-probable and is not the case for a large number of women who have been with men or even married. These women are most definitely lesbian and not at all interested in any further sexual dealings with men. There is no explaining the unreasonable if also unyielding prejudice of the woman of whom we speak but it falls under the catagory of ignorance as do all forms of prejudice. It isn't your slaternly behaviour (sic), Vickie, but her own hang-ups which prevented her from seeing the beautiful person you are. Flower |
justbnus | A hillbilly went into a bar, took a seat next to a gorgeous woman. Looking at her closer, he decided he'd like to get to know her, so he moved his barstool closer. She looked at him and said.."You're wasting your time. I'm a lesbian." The hillybilly asked, "What is a lesbian?" The lesbian said, "You see that bargirl over there? If I had her at my place, I'd remove all her clothes." She then proceeded to tell the hillbilly exactly what she'd do, with what part of her body, and for how long, to the bargirl." The hillbilly sat stunned for a minute, then moved his stool back to where it was. In a minute, the lesbian looked at the hillybilly and saw big crocodile tears flowing down his cheeks. "What is the matter with you?" she asked. The hillbilly looked her and said, "Oh my gosh, I think I'm a lesbian, too!!" |
MrNMsJ | Lesbian Orgies Im looking for a lesbian or lesbian couple to come play with my fiance and I. Please let me know if your interested :) |
blueridgesub | Lesbian Need To Try Men For 1st Time I was with a lesbian once. She never really got into it. She was punishing her partner by sleeping with a male. I felt it was an unique moment, but probably wouldnt do it agian, unless the lesbian really got into it. But if you are not attracted to the opposite sex, you aren't probably going to get into it....I was hoping she would, she was fun to be with otherwise,,,, |
Sucki | Adult Bookstores/Theaters Any in Lowell, Massachusetts? |
Bob56560 | 69 With Another Woman While Getting Fucked Why is it hard finding a bi-woman or lesbian couple looking to fuck a single endowed guy? How would I get a lesbian couple to work me out in Maryland? lol. |
Patsfan2017 | Glory Holes Anyone know of any gloryholes in Massachusetts.. The Mrs is very curious. |
max617m | M-F-M Threesome I'd love to try an MMF...esp.interested in DP!I'm in Massachusetts |